Serverplz commands

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by GibsonAxe

    As the title says here are the following commands, none of the commands are case sensitive.

    ServerPlz Vote - Vote links

    ServerPlz Donate/VIP - Links to donate

    ServerPlz Website - Link to forums

    ServerPlz TeamSpeak/ts - Links to TS

    ServerPlz Faq/Rules - Links to Faqs(rules tab just above on the page)

    ServerPlz Time or Date - Displays server time

    ServerPlz My Stats - Displays your k/d

    ServerPlz Ticks - Displays your ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second

    ServerPlz Restart - Displays time before next restart(each 3 hours apart)

    ServerPlz Book - Link to a new Guidebook

    ServerPlz I Love You

    ServerPlz Report <Player> <Reason>(Only when no staff is on and Do not spam it.)

    ServerPlz Joke - A lil Server humor

    ServerPlz Fact - Fun facts about the server

  2. Basically when you type "ServerPlz I Love You", server always tells you to go fuck yourself in a nice way. :P

    Oh well, server's taken guys, she's Crafty's girlfriend :P

  3. Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    BTW, ServerPlz may be getting a bit more life-like... thats all I'm going to say for now :D

  4. ?

  5. @CraftyMyner BTW, ServerPlz may be getting a bit more life-like... thats all I'm going to say for now :D

    Your starting to creep me out.

  6. That movie Smart House where the house becomes like a wife that's the future of the server.

    What's her name crafty ?


  7. @CraftyMyner What do you mean?

  8. @CraftyMyner thats all I'm going to say for now :D

  9. @iDogeTwinkie No server can resist me! @CraftyMyner prepare to be heart broken!

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