This Proves my point!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00


    I mean, you're just being a poor sport then, man. He's not breaking any rules.

    You're just holding a petty grudge with no support at this point

  3. Edited 7 years ago by j____a____r____d

    Humfrydog has truly redpilled me on Nerdie's lies. This utterly exposes Nerdie's GREED for YouTube views and how he just HAD to publicize the drama to his viewers, which I bet only a small percentage even knew about anyways.

    He could've just responded on the forums alone about the "fake evidence" and left his viewerbase unaware, but no, he felt obligated to dramatize the whole thing for his channel, with clickbait thumbnail arrows directly pointing out himself as the "LEAKER!?" while Humfry stands on the side looking like a nefarious villain.

    Humfry is speaking nothing but TRUTH, friends. #ImWithHim

  4. @humfrydog As multiple people including myself have stated, I did not "blast" you. All I said was that you made the thread.

    I never thanked you on YouTube because the base was not yet in use. I planned on going there when it had been inhabited and touring the place, and I'd certainly mention you.

    I did not "use you for ratings" or anything of the sort. I posted a video about the controversy, and that is all. I did not bash anyone or insult anyone, and I certainly did not invade anyone's privacy.

    Again, I have nothing against you, but this is getting out-of-hand. Nothing has been said to harm you, and you're making a mountain out of a molehill. If you would refrain from stereotyping me as a view-hungry YouTuber for no good reason, I'd appreciate that.

    And just so you're aware, when you reported me "just to be inconvenient and irritate" me, you will create trouble for the YouTube Moderation Team, as they will have to personally review the case. It's not me you're pestering, but the people at YouTube. That's not right, in my opinion.

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by Turf357
  6. Guys what the fuck.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    @Turf357 Now, if we can all get over this, that would be great.

    Agreed, let's get over this nonsense. No one's reputation has been slandered at the end of the day, neither mine nor humfry's. Let's not take this further than we need to.

  8. -image-

    I have had it with these reputations

  9. @MisterChris717 lol

  10. @Turf357 Sorry, lol

  11. -image-

  12. minesy

    9 Oct 2017 Suspended

    @MisterChris717 -image-


  13. Edited 7 years ago by j____a____r____d

    The drama exists because Humfry knows the truth about who leaked the coords. While everyone's whining about "fake evidence", he's doing the real work, like noticing that Nerdie capitalized on the drama for views just like how he capitalizes on leaking coords and blaming it on Team Eye.

    #StillWithHim #RedPilledForHumfry

  14. @deyahruhd

    If jesus could walk on water, does that mean he could swim through land?

  15. Guys what the actual fuck.


  17. You guys are giving me and Dawn aneurysms please stop.

  18. -image-

  19. Well, this quickly got out of hand...
    Keep an eye on this. You might just have to lock this if it continues to deteriorate.

  20. wake up outta your sleep

  21. @GrandpaCarl00 @deyahruhd

    If jesus could walk on water, does that mean he could swim through land?

    Is that a diversion technique NerdNation teaches its shills to hide the truth? We all know Humfry is telling the awful truth and you guys just won't swallow the red pill. #StillWithHim

  22. Newer ›

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