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  1. 6 years ago

    I used to run 5k's most mornings but now go to the gym most days with a 5k every week or so. I like this idea and would be happy to contribute :)

  2. Edited 6 years ago by Valgys

    Congrats on your success and perserverance Tez!

    Assuming your joints are up for it, a multi-day backpacking trip accelerates the weight loss process.

    Carry a pack to bring your weight up to, or just past your pre-exercise weight.

    The idea is that your body is already used to moving with the weight but your muscles and joints have strengthened enough to give you the needed endurance to walk for hours at a time.

    Put in at least an honest 6 hrs of walking if you can, each day for a few days and you’ll be pleased with the results. And most importantly stay hydrated and mind your caloric intake.

    If not backpacking, you’ll be surprised how much food intake alone plays into weight loss. Even temporarily not drinking beer or coffee for a month can cut your weight by 5lbs/2.2kg. But whether that’s really living is for you to decide though lol.

  3. Thank you for all your advice @Valgys. I have already lost nearly three stone and am now in the ideal weight zone, though i would love to lose a little more.

    Im not sure back packing is for me - we did the Hadrians' Wall Path a little while ago and though we didnt carry all our gear did have a fair amount to carry and walked 90 miles in 7.5 days. Despite being really quite moderate on the eating for a holiday i lost little weight that week.

    I have cut out sugar in my drinks and reduced my overall intake which has made a big difference. I actually exercise every morning, do two walks a week, two or three runs, two lots of bjj (grappling) two visits to the gym and a swimming lesson. So that helps to make up for too much time spent playing minecraft!

    i tried boxercise which is fun but it was just before the swimming lesson and tended to make my back hurt.

  4. Thanks @Tez1010 !
    Right now I am trying to use a certain routine each week. This week I am doing calf exercises, then sit-ups or squats (alternate between days), next push-ups, and finally, dumbbells.

  5. Gz ye landlubbers, keep yer self healthy or ye wont be able ter swim fast enough ter survive da sharks!
    Well, i have a 4 hours walk in weekends, and a 30 min walk in da mornin` and another 30 min when i come back everyday, i used to run fer 40-50 mins (I just ran as much as it was possible lol) and do a lot`o muscle exercise, now im super busy, but as soon as i get less busy i`ll start runnin` again an and da exercises.

  6. Edited 6 years ago by Tez1010

    This is an unashamed bump!

    Christmas is over. The house is clear of those leftover temptations. Perhaps the waist is a little thicker. The days are getting longer for those of us in Northern hemisphere.

    So are you ready for a little challenge? Ready to set a new goal? Then come join the fit club. No one is too fit or unfit for the club. We can all set personal goals to improve our health and fitness.

    Mine new year goal is to run a 10k race and swim a length of front crawl. So if you can run 5k (just over 3 miles) why not come and join me.

    Or if you have never run before, then how about a goal of 5k? Think you can't achieve that - well I had never run 50 yds let alone 5k six months ago. We have a link to an app that can get you there.

    Your goal is your goal and can be anything you like. Lose weight, walk more, eat more healthily. It's amazing how far you can go if you set yourself incrememtal goals. You may surprise yourself as I have! (Fully Qualified Couch Potato a year ago)

    Let me know if you would like to join and I will send you an invite to the discord.

  7. I also have been following a healthier lifestyle over the past 6 months. I eat less than 20g carbs per day and work out 5-6 days a week, and have went from 205lbs to 165lbs. I am 5'10 so I looked sort of chubby before but now I am at an ideal weight for my height and age.

    By doing weight training while also following a strict diet (NO CHEATING WHATSOEVER), you can lose fat fast while also building considerable muscle.

    I could have gotten better results but I had to change my diet for about 2 months due to dental surgeries that limited what I could eat comfortably.

    I actually recently made a post on reddit about it, I was pleased with my progress, check it out if you want.