Discuss your hobbies here!

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    i do podcasting and today i grew a crystal


  2. That's awesome!

  3. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    @afritz9500 That's awesome!

    thanks! =)

    also, foruming. i've read every post on this website to date

  4. I like to read.... a lot.

    I reread the entire fablehaven series today .-.

  5. @outshOtz I like to read.... a lot.

    I reread the entire fablehaven series today .-.

    I used to be an avid reader and then i got sick of being a nerd

    lol nerd

  6. B^)

  7. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    well i do read c&h..does that count?

    cyanide and happiness, not calvin and hobbes

  8. ye sure bb

  9. we're both nerds???

  10. yah. the only difference is that ur a dum nerd

    jk ily <3

  11. @outshOtz I like to read.... a lot.

    I reread the entire fablehaven series today .-.

    Seems worth it! I don't get much time anymore to read but I still make sure to get through my books.

  12. I like playing a sport on my free time.

  13. well my nice wather hobbies are knife making and carving

    my hobbies for the rest of the time involve video games :)

  14. Playing minecraft, practicing viola, or training with swords are somethings I like to do.

  15. Watching GameGrumps, falling in love with Tom Hiddleston, and tacos. Those are my main hobbies. Oh, and I fart a lot.

  16. 7 years ago

    i loke whales

  17. This thread is old and is now locked. You can post your hobbies and activities here though!

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