Discuss your hobbies here!

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    i do podcasting and today i grew a crystal


  2. That's awesome!

  3. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    @afritz9500 That's awesome!

    thanks! =)

    also, foruming. i've read every post on this website to date

  4. outshOtz

    31 Mar 2016 Suspended

    I like to read.... a lot.

    I reread the entire fablehaven series today .-.

  5. @outshOtz I like to read.... a lot.

    I reread the entire fablehaven series today .-.

    I used to be an avid reader and then i got sick of being a nerd

    lol nerd

  6. outshOtz

    31 Mar 2016 Suspended


  7. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    well i do read c&h..does that count?

    cyanide and happiness, not calvin and hobbes

  8. outshOtz

    31 Mar 2016 Suspended

    ye sure bb

  9. we're both nerds???

  10. outshOtz

    31 Mar 2016 Suspended

    yah. the only difference is that ur a dum nerd

    jk ily <3

  11. @outshOtz I like to read.... a lot.

    I reread the entire fablehaven series today .-.

    Seems worth it! I don't get much time anymore to read but I still make sure to get through my books.

  12. I like playing a sport on my free time.

  13. well my nice wather hobbies are knife making and carving

    my hobbies for the rest of the time involve video games :)

  14. Playing minecraft, practicing viola, or training with swords are somethings I like to do.

  15. Watching GameGrumps, falling in love with Tom Hiddleston, and tacos. Those are my main hobbies. Oh, and I fart a lot.

  16. 7 years ago

    i loke whales

  17. This thread is old and is now locked. You can post your hobbies and activities here though!

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