1. 7 years ago

    Hi guys! Just curious on what a stack of ghast tears would be worth and how much y'all would pay.

  2. Deleted 7 years ago by triggerman251
  3. 1 stone

  4. I bid 8DB a stack

  5. Hmm, I would pay 64 diamonds.

  6. @humfrydog I bid 8DB a stack

    I would have to agree with Humfrydog, as they aren't the hardest thing to get in the game, but getting them is a tedious task.

  7. Getting a few is not a big deal but an entire stack is quite a task in matters of time. Pro tip: shoot them with a bow whilst having a looting3 sword in your main hand

  8. Thanks for the feedback that really helped me out! If you need ghast tears or magma cream ill be selling some! :)

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