A Little Video Showcasing A Feature in 1.13 The Update Aquatic

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Gminidog

    link text .

    1.13 the Update Aquatic is coming out soon and many amazing features are being added to the oceans! Lots of people’s favorite feature is the new Sea Turtles! So I made a mini Minecraft documentary of the life of a sea turtle! Hope you enjoy, also what is your favorite feature in the new update?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by BoneChi11er

    looks like ill have to get back on soon then.
    Im worried about how phantoms are going to affect us, since sleeping in a bed is pretty much impossible on the server.

  3. @BoneChi11er looks like ill have to get back on soon then.
    Im worried about how phantoms are going to affect us, since sleeping in a bed is pretty much impossible on the server.


  4. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    I don't think everyone will have to sleep at the same time, otherwise multiplayer would take serious damage.

  5. Bring an umbrella!

  6. @Cileklim I don't think everyone will have to sleep at the same time, otherwise multiplayer would take serious damage.

    I guess it depends whether they count sleep as lying in a bed or as actually sleeping and skipping night.

  7. I think people will slowly realise and spam Jappa on twitter until he does something about it, that's the point of snapshots after all :P

  8. listen if these phantom shits have drops

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    Cileklim I don't think everyone will have to sleep at the same time, otherwise multiplayer would take serious damage.

    What? No that's not the problem. The problem is you need to atleast lie in a bed, but here that would mess up the sethome.

    P.S: Buy from me, today!™

  10. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    @OtherGreenGamer What? No that's not the problem. The problem is you need to atleast lie in a bed, but here that would mess up the sethome.

    Oh, the sethomes. Well, maybe Crafty can find another way for us to use sethome, like turning it into a warp. We will see!

  11. Edited 7 years ago by AttackTeam

    Phantoms are the least of our worries. The serious thing to question from 1.13 is that new "Turtle Master" potion. It basically breaks pvp and negates practically any survival possible damage. You can literally fall 256 blocks without a scratch, take a point blank end crystal blast with no armor, without even taking half a heart, and the kicker, poison IV/starving can't even get you below a full heart, basically renders a player invincible while the potion effects are active. And these things would pretty easy to come by if all they require would be the turtle shells added to an awkward potion. You would have to be exposed to some extremely unlikely circumstances to die, in a nutshell

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    @AttackTeam Phantoms are the least of our worries. The serious thing to question from 1.13 is that new "Turtle Master" potion. It basically breaks pvp and negates practically any survival possible damage. You can literally fall 256 blocks without a scratch, take a point blank end crystal blast with no armor, without even taking half a heart, and the kicker, poison IV/starving can't even get you below a full heart, basically renders a player invincible while the potion effects are active. And these things would pretty easy to come by if all they require would be the turtle shells added to an awkward potion. You would have to be exposed to some extremely unlikely circumstances to die, in a nutshell

    The glowstoned version has resistance 6 (VI) which literally makes you invulnerable for 1 minute.
    The only way to die would be the void.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by AttackTeam

    @OtherGreenGamer Understood, but the resistance IV is enough on its own. VI would be a bit overkill for defensive use, but would guarantee surviving anything thrown at a player, that is if they aren't attacked by a player in creative, which would have the ability to obviously give or remove any effects. both items probably will be considered god-tier if they do make it, the power a player has if they drink one of these. There is no real way to break through the resistance, and they can literally survive any onslaught thrown at them while the potion is active, allowing for one to switch or put on new armor pieces if they are about to break/already have broken, as well as equip any other items such as a notch apple or totem. That also opens up the possibilities of people going nuts with end crystals as well, since the punishment with the slowness IV is reduced if you are sprint jumping.

  14. you can survive about a dozen charged creepers exploding at once with the resistance IV with no armor. And many, many more with a protection IV suit of diamond armor, same goes for the same number of end crystals

  15. @AttackTeam you can survive about a dozen charged creepers exploding at once with the resistance IV with no armor. And many, many more with a protection IV suit of diamond armor, same goes for the same number of end crystals

    With a res 6 potion in the game, there's no use for armour in pvp. Not to mention, again, it lasts a full minute. I guarantee armour will just be used for PvE and backup incase you don't see the potion run out.

    Also the slowness can be almost completely bypassed by moving while jumping, rendering the slowness as a minor annoyance rather than a huge debuff.

  16. Would a speed potion negate the slowness?

  17. @NerdieBirdieYT Would a speed potion negate the slowness?

    It would partially negate slowness effects given by the potion, speed I making slowness IV become slowness III, II making IV slowness II, and so on

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