I didn't touch games for a while. I'm playing MCoC aka Marvel Contest of Champions on my phone.
My phone found it's way to a toilet so it was there for a second.
It worked until I came home. After that he died like a hero being in a toilet for like 2 seconds.
I'm sure it was a nice trip for my phone but the fact I ain't got no warranty on it and no money is not cool.
Haha yeah well that was the last game I ever played. I don't even play GTA V like I used to.
But, I cannot wait for 1.13 and 1.14 updates. Probably the most amazing one we had for a while now.
I love the ocean stuff and how you can make elevators with soul sand. It just launches you up.
With magma blocks you can make an elevator going down.
Some new awesome blocks are coming so I'm gonna plan out my brand new base for that update.
I don't know how to get into snapshot stuff. Not sure how to test it out.
Would love to use Creative mode to come up with some builds. My creativity is shit.
But, it's all worth a try. :D