1. 4 years ago

    I joined the server first time, instantly got "banned" cuz of proxy or vpn, on my computer is nothing like this.
    Not using an VPN, and onto MY ip is non Proxy

  2. To add onto this... If someone were to join from a different IP (say a friends house) and not be using a VPN, would that player still get banned?

  3. That should be fine - I often log in from my parents with no issue. Crafty's system detects VPNs

  4. Our systems use a few different services to detect if you are using a VPN or if your IP is known for malicious activity. Your IP returned 82% on the fraud index and anything over 80% is considered high risk and banned. You have been added to the whitelist so it should not ban you again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    P.S. I don't know why the service returns 82 for your IP's fraud score...

  5. He might be part of a botnet lol

  6. @SeverusSn1pe He might be part of a botnet lol

    Very possible.

  7. happened to me and my sister too
    her name is "KillerCroft04"
    pls unban us we didnt do anything wrong

  8. @Ledderfayes happened to me and my sister too
    her name is "KillerCroft04"
    pls unban us we didnt do anything wrong

    Pardoned you and KillerCroft04.

    Have fun o/

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