Villagers at Spawn

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @bSan420 Changing our currency to craftycoins may work.

    1. You get an limited amount of craftycoins per month, no more than that, only less
    2. Craftycoins don't disappear as emeralds do (unless we build a casino). Once you've paid a villager with Emeralds, they are gone forever, the villager won't be fowarding them to other trades. That amount of money is out of circulation.
    3. Craftycoins have no other use, hence their value is low. Which makes us the ones to set it's value.
    4. As we vote and new players join the server, the amount of coins per player/day on server will stay on an average, which I think that must follow our inflation.

    I'll try to change my trades to craftycoins this week, let's see who is willing to pay.

    If you have an alt, like I do, you get double the crafty coins that someone else could, if you have a 2nd alt, you get triple the amount, and so on... This would just not work, as people with only one account would not have the same amount as people who have 2 accounts, 3, 4... Etc.

  3. Ok I give up.

  4. you cant vote twice with the same ip address

  5. Probably uses VPN or something.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by T0rsion

    2 devices, 2 accounts, 4 votes :)

  7. 1 device, two accounts, reset the IP address, 4 votes :( That's a good idea but not perfect

  8. I am in charge of most villagers, the economy and how they play into it.

    When we first started, our villagers were created for a way for players who were expanding the world to obtain items through various means.
    We were trying to create more of an emerald based economy, but the mistake was making an emerald-diamond trade. With that creation, came a decrease in diamond value and a spike in its econimic standing.

    We have a plan in motion to help create stabalization, and the lock were put in to slow the rising gap while we execute it.

  9. Can you explain the lock mechanic? This is for emerald to diamond?

  10. So you are going to stop the emerald diamond trade?

  11. @Dench781 Can you explain the lock mechanic? This is for emerald to diamond?

    Once you trade enough times on a certain trade on one villager, the villager "locks" that trade and you have to unlock it by trading something else .

  12. Oh I liked that trade because when I died I could restart easy

  13. @_Confederacy_ Once you trade enough times on a certain trade on one villager, the villager "locks" that trade and you have to unlock it by trading something else .

    I've noticed that mechanic. It seems some villagers are easier to unlock than others.

    I'm almost afraid to say which if this is something thats going to be made harder. I definitely do not miss diamond mining.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by T0rsion

    @Dench781 I've noticed that mechanic. It seems some villagers are easier to unlock than others.

    I'm almost afraid to say which if this is something thats going to be made harder. I definitely do not miss diamond mining.

    There is a variable in the villagers entitydata that allows you to edit the amount of times you can trade before said trade get locked, I think it is MaxUses or something like that.

  15. All you need to do is get a lot of emeralds and trade the emeralds for diamonds. If the diamond trading gets locked out and it won't refresh, trade Emerald for Gold or other stuff. I trade emerald for gold because I find gold useful. However, if that gets locked out, I trade Coal for emerald. This method is very useful when it comes to trading with the villagers. I've successfully gotten more than a stack of diamond blocks with this.

  16. @_lilbezi_ All you need to do is get a lot of emeralds and trade the emeralds for diamonds. If the diamond trading gets locked out and it won't refresh, trade Emerald for Gold or other stuff. I trade emerald for gold because I find gold useful. However, if that gets locked out, I trade Coal for emerald. This method is very useful when it comes to trading with the villagers. I've successfully gotten more than a stack of diamond blocks with this.

    Yeah I was starting to do that. I am currently mining a long shaft to a local village, so I am getting lots of ore from that. I wont have to waste as many emeralds this way.

    I think I have about 10 blocks of emeralds at the moment, which is a lot for me. i built a pretty large crop farm.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by pand1024

    It should probably cost more emeralds to get a diamond, when trading in spawn. I've been advocating for that since we started discussing villager trades for 1.9 Craftymynes.

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