1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago


  3. @TheForgotten20 an end crystal at the entrance wouldnt be too bad

    Ya sorry, I never thought of using end crystals before.

  4. its a bad idea, if anything touches the damn things you get craters. I blew up my library on accident once cause I thought it made a cool centerpiece lol

  5. @Kinkybobo its a bad idea, if anything touches the damn things you get craters. I blew up my library on accident once cause I thought it made a cool centerpiece lol

    um, wow... I'm sorry for your loss Kinky, I dont need a crater right now but I will keep that in mind.

  6. @Zabolca I didn't lose anything luckily lol, just a couple bookshelves, and thankfully enchanting tables are stronger than obsidian. Was way before I constructed the tower lol. Took out the wall and most of the floor and ceiling. almost died too. Damn thing knocked me down to half a heart for trying to move it over 1 block XD

  7. your mean i to push a piston with it
    and also the risk is worth the beauty if it
    just put it at a place where you never touch, e,g, the side of a ptahway

  8. Edited 7 years ago by TheForgotten20

    btw, did some research, endercrystals only blow stuff up horizontal or above it, it doesn't destroy anything under it so it wont create a large crater. You can use it to "guard" your entrance or at least the position of a guard would stand when guarding a house(cuz imo it looks good that way). give it some distance so it wont blow ur house up. Other wise its a very good decoration piece that if used correctly can be quite safe.

    :::::::::::::rip rip rip
    :::::::rip rip rip rip rip
    rip rip rip end-cry rip rip

    as you can see, the end crystal doesn't destroy blocks under it.(the rip stands for is destroyed and the safe is not destroyed, destruction radius not to scale or dimentions of blocks) the : is for filling in space cuz the crafty program auto moves it to the left even with space

    and honestly idk how big of a deal (half a heart) or dying is to you guys, I have 350 deaths so I don't really care.

    honestly, this is by-FAR FAR FAR FAR FAr Far farfarfar my favourite base

  9. couldnt you just put glass or fence posts around it to avoid touching?

  10. no, wiring string around is better, it is basically invisible and if the endercry is touched, it would break the string instead. also not as ugly as glass

  11. I will have to think about that, I admit they are very pretty. But... right now I am side tracked on putting in a sewer system in under the keep.


    I plan on adding more decoration and finding a way to safely remove the torches, for now I have just worked on expanding it. But what do you think, keep the lava or get rid of it?

  12. Love the sewer system idea, looks great. As for lighting, i do like the lava. I would either incorporate it throughout the sewer or perhaps use magma blocks to maintain the theme for adequate lighting.

  13. for the sewers use a line of redstone dust for lighting, it gives a sewer feel to it and imo its one of the rarer ways of lighting to make your base even moar unique

  14. end rods can be set up to look kinda like pipes.
    you could give it a try!

  15. Wow! Your base looks amazing!

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