Turbulent Times

  1. 8 years ago

    State your best and worst moment on the server.

  2. Best, the golden age of bikini bottom a town ahere my house was great my pockets deep mt allies powerful and my farms numerous.

    Worst, either when I lost both my pickaxes 5 months ago and rage quit for 4.5 months or when creeperlord170 killed my dov in spawn. His name was skip. Rest in rip.
    Or after the r.t month break when I cam back to find the bikini bottom totally leveled.

  3. my best moment was when qfu was afk in my base. for 1 moment i could brag about me having the capability of killing qfu

    worst is always when qfu took my shulker egg and i had to tp trap drachenzorn for it back

  4. Lol. You still remember that. Thats also my worst.

  5. Golden age:

    • E chest full of E blocks
    • 3 god kits
    • 2 bases near zombie spawner
    • will to play

    Dark age (still lasting)

    • 2 bases raided in 10 minutes
    • 4 deaths in one day, many losses
    • Wearing the last god kit I had
    • I have neither emeralds or iron in my reserve
    • I put stuff on chests around the world but forgot to save the coords of one of them
  6. The Worst: The loss of some God Tools due to me being an idiot......
    Being killed ten times by Jamlbon's dogs.

    The Best: Taking Jamlbon down with an axe.
    Successfully making a cactus farm.

  7. Best: Killg Spooder and gettting "i'm fine"
    Killing ghost and getting "the bane of the damned"
    Getting towel boy's heads
    Finishing my base

    Worst: Takin' the L's and losing a god set

  8. @FishW The Worst:
    Being killed ten times by Jamlbon's dogs.

    Mate you said I could do it shush

    @FishW The Best: Taking Jamlbon down with an axe.

    And I let you do that and i still almost won

  9. @jamlbon Mate you said I could do it shush

    And I let you do that and i still almost won

    *starts to say a comeback* remembers Jams just started a new colony of dogs.

    Also I had 3 hearts bruh.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by _Ami_13_

    @FishW *starts to say a comeback* remembers Jams just started a new colony of dogs.

    Also I had 3 hearts bruh.

    If you kill my doges you are so very very dead mate and you had armour man you shouldn't have been that almost dead

  11. @jamlbon If you kill my doges you are so very very dead mate and you had armour man you shouldn't have been that almost dead

    Lol I meant it as there would be to many dogs for me to fight off and you'd easly kill me not that I was going to kill your doges :P but maybe if I hired a hitman hmmmmm(joking I love those lovable pups, except Jason who killed me twice)

  12. @FishW Lol I meant it as there would be to many dogs for me to fight off and you'd easly kill me not that I was going to kill your doges :P but maybe if I hired a hitman hmmmmm(joking I love those lovable pups, except Jason who killed me twice)

    Oh okay ahaha good and dw I hate Jason too

  13. my low is the time superpoop killed me with full god gear and a elytra on me in the arena because i had no potions, perls, or pvp skill and a spiderweb decided it wanted my body

  14. My low is like an hour go when I was nethering around got blown into lava by a ghast so i drunk a fire resist pot decided it would be a good idea to take my armour off then a magma cube appeared out of nowhere killed me so i lost 2 god swords, a silk pick, a god bow and full god armour

  15. @jamlbon My low is like an hour go when I was nethering around got blown into lava by a ghast so i drunk a fire resist pot decided it would be a good idea to take my armour off then a magma cube appeared out of nowhere killed me so i lost 2 god swords, a silk pick, a god bow and full god armour

    What's ur high?

  16. @misterkickman What's ur high?

    Nothing. I feel no joy.

    But really I'd have to say it's getting welcomed into a great community of players!

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Saltyfish

    Best moment is when I finished my fish pond. I could finally swim again!!

    Worst moment is when I came online and Quartz_King had found my base and was killing the horses in my stable. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen... ._. R.I.P. that base

  18. My best: finding about 7+ spawners all near each other by my base, including a zombie and reg spider(I say 7+ cause I can't remember the number, but I know it's more)

    My worst: few months ago, nub me went on a mining trip with my best diamond gear(not good, one random enchant on each), including silk pick, fortune 3 pick, and best diamond sword. Got surprised by a creeper, blew me in lava. But I had 2 hearts left. I was one slot away from my water bucket, but died right before I could place it. I lost everything except a single stone button that landed away from the lava. There's a gravestone with the date at the death site. ._. I sat in shock for quite a while after that. Never leave the house without god armor kids, and make sure one is fire protection.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by misterkickman

    Just use beacons to mine

  20. Dennari43, thats sound very much like the day I had my dogs with me and got blown up by two creepers. I wrote the coords down trekked for two (RL) days to get back to those coords only to have the ground items killed when I got in the vicinity!

    but the worst was having that cast on my hand and not being able to play AT ALL!

    The best was just before we moved to this server... I had found two villages like less than 400 blocks from each other and I spent the summer revamping them, making guardians and fences etc.

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