Saving my Base: If a reset occurs

  1. 7 years ago

    So all of the arguments for and against a reset are in other posts, this one is purely if one DOES occur. My base takes up a total of 16 chunks, but days if not weeks of my life have been put into molding those chunks, and to have them completely vanish is beyond disheartening.

    This is my suggestion:

    I pay a fee (an extra months VIP would be an example) towards the server, and Crafty could MCEdit the chunks I need into a blank map, and send those to me, which would allow me to put them into my personal SINGLE-PLAYER survival.

    I am under no illusion of having my builds move over to the new map, but losing them entirely would almost certainly prevent my return to CraftyMynes, purely because my motivation would be gone.

    Believe me, I understand that it is a survival, raid/grief server, and a total base destruction could happen at anytime, that's what makes it so fun! But there is just something different about the reset, and obviously I'm having a hard time adequately putting it into words, but there is a difference.

    I know MCEdit is tedious and time consuming and that is why I am very willing to pay to have it done, it means that much to me.

    Thank you for at least considering this,


  2. I hope that they consider this.

    Good luck.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by FishW

    I think there is a mod called schematica out there that would allow you to save your base. I havent used it since 1.9 tho, and it may not be allowed on the server. It basically captures a blue print of your base. So you would have to build it again, but you could see your base's blueprint. Idk if that makes sense, but look it up.

  4. Blesian

    20 Nov 2016 Suspended

    Just screenshot your whole base and print the pictures onto your wall irl

  5. I remember I was like this when 1.8 reset. I also have a huge base. Posted a similar thread, asking to copy my base. But when 1.9 came, I found out that its easier to rebuild because you already have an idea of what to do. Of course you need to gather again some resources but you can easily improve from the lessons of your old base. Good thing the old 1.8 was still online for a few months so I can revisit my old base and see my old designs and improve them in the new map.

    Well its also good to have a personal copy of your builds in SP. But dont be disheartened because of a reset (if there will be any). I also suggest make a video tour of your base and post in youtube. IMO, that way you immortalized your builds lol.

  6. The day the 1.8 server reset was a very emotional day ._.

  7. I never got to see that day. My laptop had officially died and I had to quit minecraft for quite a while before I got another computer that could run games. By the time I managed to get back to CraftyMynes, the server had been reset for a while. I never got to see my old base that one last time before it was gone for good. :/

  8. I miss my base from 1.8 :(

  9. It was kind of nice for me, all the old known players from my end that were inactive came back on for the excitement we all enjoyed the hype, and laughed, planned on teaming together and such.

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