Shield (And Banner) Shop

  1. 8 years ago

    You can also just make a banner.
    Bringing your own banner is only 5 wood and 1 iron. At that point I'm just making the shield.

  2. Is it possible to make a banner with a Haxington logo?

  3. SC were about to open a banner shop... Right now it is not in our to do list but in the future we will provide a banner business too

  4. @_Haxington_ Is it possible to make a banner with a Haxington logo?

    What does the Haxington logo look like?

  5. @TheBlizWiz Bringing your own banner is only 5 wood and 1 iron. At that point I'm just making the shield.


  6. @TheBlizWiz What does the Haxington logo look like?

    Just Google Haxngton


  7. @TheBlizWiz What does the Haxington logo look like?


  8. @_Haxington_
    Here's the best I could do. There's a couple of different options, so pick your favorite.

  9. Meh... I'll pass
    Thanks for trying though.

  10. Can you do a Mona Lisa?

  11. Yeah, no.

  12. @TheBlizWiz Yeah, no.

    0/10 no Mona. Can you get anything cat themed I suppose I can ask?

  13. Yeah, maybe.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @TheBlizWiz Yeah, maybe.

    Sweet. Do you make these in creative first in single player creative or make them on CM then show them on CM? Cause if it's single player creative then I can say go cat themed or do whatever pleases you to fit me, I'll like it regardless

  15. @GrinningBobcat Sweet. Do you make these in creative first in single player creative or make them on CM then show them on CM? Cause if it's single player creative then I can say go cat themed or do whatever pleases you to fit me, I'll like it regardless

    Yeah, I use creative to mess around and show it off.

    How about this? -image-

  16. Can't see it my wifi is cut off cause parents want me off but I'm a rebellious muffin with the persistence of a god with a burning passion and won't submit to rest. (No wifi=image won't load. I'll see it tomorrow. Keep messing around with it. I want a master piece lol)

  17. I made a few more.


  18. *would love to see but has to go for the night* gtg seeya

  19. The two from right to left, brick doesn't do it for me. Maybe something at the center of the diamond or one at the top and bottom?

  20. -image-

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