MineCo. Making it easier to survive!

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Ealdwine_Drasax

    We produce for you! We wish only for your success and survival and we strive to supply all your needs. Our list is bellow. This is first come First served. While supplies lasts.

    Wood is 1 Diamond per Stack:

    Ores are Listed:
    Gold: 2 diamonds for 1 stack of ingots
    Iron: 1 Diamonds for 1 Stack of Iron
    Coal: 1 Diamond for 6 stacks
    Redstone 1 Diamonds per stack of redstone block
    Quartz: 1 Diamond per stack
    NetherBricks: 1 Diamond per 2 stacks

    Enchantments: PM For our Inventory (Max charge per enchant 4 Diamonds)
    Water Breathing: 3 potions 8 min for 5 gold
    Fire Resistance: 3 potions 8 min for 5 gold
    Invisibility: 3 potions 8 min for 1 dia
    Splash Weakness: 3 potions for 3 gold

    Diorite: 1 Diamond per stack (Polished)
    Andesite: 1 Diamond per stack(polished)
    Granite: 1 Diamond per stack(Polished)
    Magma Blocks: 1 Diamond per stack
    Cobble: 1 Diamond per 4 stacks
    Stone: 1 Diamond per 2 stacks

    Food: 1 Diamond per 3 stacks
    Cake: 1 iron for 1 cake
    Arrows: 1 Diamond Per stack
    Bones: 1 diamond per 3 stacks
    Bone Meal: 1 diamond per 5 stacks
    Bone Block: 1 Diamond per stack (Made to order
    Pumpkins: 1 Diamond per stack

    We also buy product as well please PM if you would like to sell us your goods.
    We are also looking for producers. Spots are limited Join the fastest growing company on the server!

  2. Updated

  3. Just a suggestion: Redstone price is steep af, I sold at a 2 diamonds for a stack of blocks

  4. Updated

  5. Updated

  6. Updated

  7. Updated

  8. Let's stay on topic please.

  9. why do people keep saying updated?

  10. Updated

  11. Updated

  12. do you sell ench books?

  13. Updated

  14. @LeoSushi do you sell ench books?


  15. are you the only seller? or are you guys a full business?

  16. This should be a 2 way exchange meaning we could provide materials for some sort of reward no?

  17. do you guys have slime?

  18. Disappointment kinda

  19. We, have been out of slime regretfully. There are two sellers currently. Why are you disappointed?

  20. Will buy as much iron as you can supply. In ore form fine.

  21. Newer ›

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