1. 8 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by OPtimusjag

    End City Lootations:
    Sweet Shulker Boxes
    Disastrous Dragon Heads: 3 DB each
    Purpur Blocks of any type: 1 diamond a stack
    End City Banners: 1 diamond for a stack of 16

  2. best prices on shulker boxes ive see so far

  3. Updated

  4. Deleted 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos
  5. Subtle...

  6. updated!

  7. @Chilled_Chaos I got a mending elytra for 30 diamonds... yeah thats right!

    I got one for 20IB and 1DB from Tezzer but with no enchants

  8. updated!

  9. PonZe

    1 Mar 2017 Suspended

    I'll take 2 shulker boxes

  10. @Chilled_Chaos I got a mending elytra for 30 diamonds... yeah thats right!

    just because I didn't know prices :/

  11. @LunarrEclipse sure! whenever u see me on u can ask me !

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