Additional VIP+ perk: lore to items

  1. 8 years ago

    Instead of getting the noAI pets and mob heads, Is it possible to trade an item with an equivalent admin-generated item with lore of our choice? I'd rather have a custom item that's also not going to raise my entity counts.

    Since placing the mob heads and no IA pets require the involvement of an admin anyway, there doesn't appear to be much more work on the admin's side, and we're talking about lore, so no additional advantage to the player. Also adds one more perk for VIP+.

  2. maybe this would be an MVP perk :]

  3. Sure, but it would likely be a MVP perk.

  4. :]

  5. Sorry, what's MVP in terms of CM ranks?

  6. MVP is anyone who purchases a Server Bill. Once you acquire MVP you will keep it as long as you have VIP+.

  7. So what you're saying is that once I run out of my MVP months, if I re-donate to be VIP+ before it runs out, then I'll retain MVP status for that VIP+ month?

  8. Yes, but you will need to keep it current or you will need to start again.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    so how soon do I have to buy VIP+ to keep MVP status? @CraftyMyner

  10. m8 u dont get more warps as MVP its not worth it

  11. That's an opinion

  12. @gilbertboys m8 u dont get more warps as MVP its not worth it

    *confused. doesn't understand jack shit* I help the server regardless at some point

  13. @GrinningBobcat so how soon do I have to buy VIP+ to keep MVP status? @CraftyMyner

    Go to you profile, it will say something like

    Expiry: Jun 15, 2017, 12:07 pm

    You will need to purchase VIP+ before then.

  14. @gilbertboys m8 u dont get more warps as MVP its not worth it

    You get other perks like pets/armor stands, mob heads, MVP bold font name, server bill particles, and the pride that you actively help a server that you love.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    @CraftyMyner Sure, but it would likely be a MVP perk.

    After re-reviewing the ranks at the store, it would appear my question was based on the MVP perks (pets, stands, heads), all along. So this answer is great and meets the intent of my original question. Thanks!

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