
  1. 8 years ago

    Dis boi's got some real hax
    Got Vene on the hunt for more proof

  2. What the fuck is this

  3. flying, might not be clear, but i saw him

  4. Deleted 8 years ago by r4iscool1
  5. Edited 8 years ago by Cellexya

    Unless you have 100% proof, please refrain from making reports. He could've been jumping in this screenshot. Video or other proof is required, otherwise it is useless.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    It could also be a visual glitch which is fairly common given that we can't see they are moving.

  7. He was floating 1/3 of a block off the ground and moved towards the trade pod. I don't have video recording software tho

  8. @Retrochewy He was floating 1/3 of a block off the ground and moved towards the trade pod. I don't have video recording software tho

    Making this report useless

  9. Please don't post on reports if you don't have any evidence to add.

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