Trading CraftyCredits!!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Anyone know how much crafty credits go for?

  3. @Cellexya Anyone know how much crafty credits go for?

    @Retrochewy said 3 crafty credits 1 diamonds. but for me 1 crafty credit will cost 3 dia or more, for now at least. in the future i predict 1 CC will cost 1 db or more since the rate of earning diamonds is higher than earning CC over long periods of time. so we will reach a point where everyone is low on CC because they were cheap and people used them on warps and Elytra.
    a side note, 100 CC for Elytra is very high and it shouldn't be used to compare the price of CC with dia
    just my opinion

  4. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    Well thing is you can't really change a barter system if things being bought with the CC currency are only a few things. Also @CraftyMyner maybe instead of percentages of one's CC maybe do specific amounts? Like 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc? One step closer to being like realistic irl currency that way.

    As for the CC, elytras are cheap NOW but weren't before hand. we only get 1-5 votes a day from that extra one from voting from all 4. Meaning of the elytras are the only thing tying down a CC to any value then that makes them cheaper but rarer than diamond.

    If elytras go for cheap but CC is rare considering you can get 5 a day tops, then that means we have a cheap currency. So yes 3CC=1 dia would be a logical way of looking at it. Then again its relative to the buyers

  5. @GrinningBobcat Also @CraftyMyner maybe instead of percentages of one's CC maybe do specific amounts? Like 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc? One step closer to being like realistic irl currency that way.

    I don't think you read what I said correctly?

    You can trade in 1x, 10x, and 100x increments.

    That means you can trade 1, 10 or 100 credits at a time,

  6. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    Ah my mistake then @CraftyMyner , i swear I read it as percents

  7. @GrinningBobcat Ah my mistake then @CraftyMyner , i swear I read it as percents

    Fair enough.

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