So, Elephantia is a burning crater now

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Elephant_Parade

    (I would post screenshots, but I'm lazy.)

    As you might've guessed from the title, it's time for us to move on. If you're a current member of Elephantia—and I'm sorry to say that I don't have a list, though I might recognize you if we've been on at the same time—I'll give you the coordinates of the new base, once it exists; it currently doesn't. Stay tuned!

    (FYI, Sev might have been implicated. I'm not really clear on that, though? Either way, I'm stepping back up as co-leader of Elephantia, since things are kind of a mess right now and I really enjoy establishing bases. I'd ask Sev first, but...)

    Edit: No, Sev isn't implicated; I misread a sign.

  2. the only reason it was raided is because of sev

  3. Well gosh gee, your unstated reason sure justifies the destruction of the collaborative work of nearly a dozen other people! What an upstanding citizen you are!

  4. @Elephant_Parade Well gosh gee, your unstated reason sure justifies the destruction of the collaborative work of nearly a dozen other people! What an upstanding citizen you are!

    if you put it this way then its almost the leader of your groups fault. a whole dozen men? how can yo not expect a traitor in a whole dozen

  5. @TheForgotten20 if you put it this way then its almost the leader of your groups fault. a whole dozen men? how can yo not expect a traitor in a whole dozen


  6. Edited 7 years ago by Angel_Dust_

    @TheForgotten20 if you put it this way then its almost the leader of your groups fault. a whole dozen men? how can yo not expect a traitor in a whole dozen

    ^Forgotten20 is right, y'know

  7. @Angel_Dust_ ^Forgotten20 is right, y'know

    Pffft 10 is nothing, they just didn't have strong bonds

  8. @TheForgotten20 if you put it this way then its almost the leader of your groups fault. a whole dozen men? how can yo not expect a traitor in a whole dozen

    Really, it's the fault of the people who wrecked it (and also whoever gave them the coordinates, I suppose). To blame the leader is kind of like stomping on some kid's sandcastle and then saying it's the lifeguard's fault for not preemptively kicking you off the beach.

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