Guardian mechanics

  1. 6 years ago

    Is anyone good with the interworkings of guardians and spawn rates? Trying to build a new spawner design and running into issues with no one to consult...

  2. i gotchu

  3. @Naidae Is anyone good with the interworkings of guardians and spawn rates? Trying to build a new spawner design and running into issues with no one to consult...

    What kind of issues?

  4. Well, in very basic terms, the "aquarium" portion where the guardians spawn should be spawning a really decent amount of guardians, but when testing it out, i only got 1 guardian to spawn in 10 minutes. Which means something's off

  5. @Naidae Due to poor spawn rates on the server, the only time you'll see really good spawns are directly after a server reset, so right before reset, warp or tp to your grinder, and log on after a reset. The spawns dwindle after 10 or so minutes, but it's the only solution really.

  6. @Cellexya @Naidae Due to poor spawn rates on the server, the only time you'll see really good spawns are directly after a server reset, so right before reset, warp or tp to your grinder, and log on after a reset. The spawns dwindle after 10 or so minutes, but it's the only solution really.

    Is this new? I remember before the server reset my guardian grinder worked wonderfully and consistently no matter what time it was

  7. That's how mine has always worked, always had to wait for a reset since 1.10

  8. Well damn x.x

  9. @Naidae Is this new? I remember before the server reset my guardian grinder worked wonderfully and consistently no matter what time it was

    I never dealt with working in water temples before the last big reset, but this time around, when I was draining my water temple i realized how lethal the temple gets after a soft reset during off hours.

    I had to drain my temple during peak times to increase my survival chances cause I'd get literally hundreds of the buggers in small pools around the temple that would one-shot me in god gear when I stopped paying attention to them.

  10. Well well well, i swear I'm going to be an expert in guardians by the time this project is over.

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