Vote link Issue, a dear crafty.

  1. 7 years ago

    dear @CraftyMyner , this is something dedicated to you.

    After the introduction on a single website for all 4 votelinks i have been expereincing lag issues with loading the page, it takes a long time. Additionlly it was hard to click the tick button for the recaptcha due to the insane lag caused by loading 4 + 1 webpages. I asked around the server, and recieved similar responses from people arond. Additionally sometimes specific vote links would not load up, and again this would happen with other players i asked.

    My suggestion would be to provide both the 4 seperate vote links for those of us that have less powerful devices, but still maintain the 4 in 1 for those with more powerful devices

  2. @TheForgotten20 Additionally sometimes specific vote links would not load up

    can only confirm this

  3. Votes links are now on their own page:

    The can be accessed either by:<site number> or<site name>

    Here is all the sites:

    Hopefully this will solve any issues, please let me know!

    - Crafty

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Valgys

    I don't think your MCSL link works.

    Also +1 to OP. Since the merging of all vote links on one page I'm forced to wait until I'm on a home computer to vote so it can load properly, which isn't everyday (days that I don't get on I still try and do votes by phone).

  5. Are you sure? An what is the issue with the phone?

  6. Disregard previous link comment - I just accessed all links properly.

    Issue with using phone on the big vote page for me anyways was that I'd get weird session time-out messages which I guess is a recaptcha error.

  7. Give it all a try now, I have made some more adjustments.

  8. I tried the new page last night. I still get the same issue on the MinecraftServers link. It says the session expired please try again. i tried restarting my internet app, restarting phone, etc but no dice, which is the usual result when I see the error (i.e., I only voted on 3 of the 4 links for yesterday).

  9. It seems like only the 3rd link doesn't work on phones, I will make a manual link to each page at the bottom.

  10. I did some more work on the vote site, let me know what you think. There's a small description at the top of the page talking about the 4 links and what they do for the server and you. I also made the links a bit more visible and put a link to the site at the bottom of the page.

    I also added the vote page to the top of the forum.

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