ya, it's like me going to rtp, finding a tiny thing that someone abandoned and sellin it
ya, it's like me going to rtp, finding a tiny thing that someone abandoned and sellin it
@alarmgv12 but he said the guy so now i am trying to figure our if he found the base or is it someone he knows there are some lies
@javonjw yeah, that makes sense
@javonjw @alarmgv12 but he said the guy so now i am trying to figure our if he found the base or is it someone he knows there are some lies
every thing that i say is true and if it does get found or destroyed they have a month to return it
@minesy every thing that i say is true
also when you said you have my coords?
better get packin then
@alarmgv12 also when you said you have my coords?
better get packin then
i thought i did
The point is, when you think it is it does not mean it is true
@alarmgv12 The point is, when you think it is it does not mean it is true
trying to be wise ^
Well it can only be logical, the one trying to be wise and that utterely failed and somehow managed to come out as an egocentrical wise-ass is the one that said
@minesy every thing that i say is true
Have a nice day :)
@alarmgv12 okay what ever. i have had enough of you
If I was the guy who actually made the base I'd come back and slap you.
9 db
okay if no one offers more than 9db in the next 20 hours the city goes to @fire5trainguy !
6 hours left
ok if no one offers more that 11db in the next 12 hours the city goes to @fire5trainguy
okay if no one bids more than 11db in the next 11 hours the city goes to @Rybye
10 hours