Hello I like this server and I need a faction to join the faction I am going join has to have a base has to have a farm has to be placed at a far from spawn cannot be any players who are rude selfish or trolls(sometimes as a joke its ok).
Hello I like this server and I need a faction to join the faction I am going join has to have a base has to have a farm has to be placed at a far from spawn cannot be any players who are rude selfish or trolls(sometimes as a joke its ok).
I’m not part of a faction but I’m interested in playing with others.
I can be rude but I’m not a dick
I only raid what I find, that is I do not betray trust.
Was part of nerdnation for a while but they had a lot of rules against profanity and raiding that I just don’t fit me well enough. Left on good terms.
So anyway if you don’t find a faction but are interested instead in a smaller group dynamic look me up in game. Maybe we can build something together or raid someone stuff.
Oh yeah and I like to build secretive bases with micro farms and grinders.
On an unrelated note, you've always had my favorite minecraft name ever @Czechmate
Yes i remember when if first saw the name thinking it was brilliant
I wish I could take credit for its origin. Alas it’s from a T-shirt I picked up in Prague.
My wife is Czech and I’m her mate so it really stuck with me.
My wife is Czech and I’m her mate so it really stuck with me.