Delishmalish ban appeal

  1. 4 years ago
    Edited 4 years ago by delishmalish

    So I read the rules and I apparently missed the tnt duping part. I was only lava casting not duping diamonds ect. I also havent played on an online server on this scale before and didnt know it was a general rule. I was hoping for a second chance because I didnt know. I thought it was only iron farm ect that were illegal. I really enjoy this server and the people here and I dont want to loose everything Ive worked for. I aslo asked before making it if lava casting was okay thinking that the duper was involved. I didnt even know it was called a duper until now. And i dont mind forfeiting all of the cobble generated as I should.

  2. Greetings, delishmalish o/

    I am the mod who banned you for using a TNT duping machine.

    I understand that you were unaware that duping was not allowed and I apologize for the inconvenience beforehand.
    However, players are usually encouraged to read the rules once they join CraftyMynes to contextualize themselves in terms of what is and what is not allowed. When you joined the server, you automatically accepted those rules presented.
    Duping is a form of exploit that grants you infinite amounts of items, and in this case, even if you were using them for the sole purpose of blowing stone into cobble, it still is duping, regardless.

    Any form of cheating is taken very seriously on this server and with that said, I'm afraid this ban appeal cannot be lifted.

    Wish you best of luck elsewhere,


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