In no way shape or form did any of use or abuse any such glitches mentioned above, the way we did it was quite simple :^)
In no way shape or form did any of use or abuse any such glitches mentioned above, the way we did it was quite simple :^)
I would like to join.
Wow, some people can be a real ass. Either way, I would love to spectate the event if my schedule allows it :P
P.S. It's not your fault that some children want to cause problems for what was a neat community event.
i'd join if it's not 1AM again :P
I would like to rejoin since I couldn't make this last one
i'll join
I suck at pvp, but I might spectate a few.
ally of Team eye = Cheerleaders
"Good at the game" = Practices exploits daily
Can we please make it like early June
I'll spectate, or try to because of time zones :P
@FlashFood Can we please make it like early June
This time would be good for me , edward can you do this time ?
Wait..... if it is taking place in the same arena then why wouldn't the guys who raided it the first time come back to finish the job? Seems only logical that they would attack the arena once more, maybe even on the day of the event or the day before the event. Either way I'd be down to spectate if I am on. I like the idea of player hosted events such as this one!
@FishW Wait..... if it is taking place in the same arena then why wouldn't the guys who raided it the first time come back to finish the job? Seems only logical that they would attack the arena once more, maybe even on the day of the event or the day before the event. Either way I'd be down to spectate if I am on. I like the idea of player hosted events such as this one!
It wasnt a raid... more along the lines of a certain group breaking the rules on what you are allowed to use in this tournament (enderpearls) and wiping the floor with the honest ones because of it
Oh I see, maybe make players donate their gear, or supply gear, than kill anyone before they enter(harsh I know) to insure they do not bring anything they shouldn't. But I still hold a raid could easily happen though I hope no one would be that cruel.
Lol gg I stand corrected. Gg indeed!
Tournament will be rescheduled to early June. Finalized time to be announced. Long story short, there will be things implemented to make sure that the arena will not be raidable again.
no one cares yo
Many people care actually.
I hope it works out better this time.
Maybe a screening process like killing anyone who enters to insure they arent sneaking in contraband. And only releasing cords day of?
I Highly doubt that they would release coords to the public. I'm guessing that people would tpa to them like last time.