I don't even know where to start. So, I decided to let my friend have a go of my elytra. And, he dives straight down into the ground and dies. Before I can pick everything up, the clear lag comes. And of course I didn't get my elytra. Anyway, I ask if anyone is selling an elytra, and Pimcy tells me he's selling one with unbreaking 3 and mending. Half an hour and an inventory of bonemeal later, I trade all of the wheat in and i have 30 diamond blocks. So then we go to the trading post and I throw my diamond blocks in as you do. Then what happened you ask? CLEAR LAG. Pimpcy witnessed the diamond blocks actually disappear, I'm not lying just to get 30 diamond blocks (or the elytra). I expected that the trading post would have been protected from clear lag. I know that it isn't now, obviously. So not much needs to be done to help me. I wasn't being stupid and died or anything. I was simply trading and lost my diamond blocks. Reasons I should get my items back?
- There is a witness, it's quite clear I'm not lying
- I wasn't doing anything stupid
- It's a simple fix, I just need to be handed diamond blocks
- It happened to me twice in a row, and I put so much work in to get the elytra back after it was first clear lagged.
My username is Jezza_YT if you would like to contact me in game.
Thanks very much, please be careful and don't do anything risky before clear lag!!!
I also suggest that the trading post is somehow protected so no traders lose their stuff.