Lost 30 Dia Blocks to Clear Lag...

  1. 8 years ago

    I don't even know where to start. So, I decided to let my friend have a go of my elytra. And, he dives straight down into the ground and dies. Before I can pick everything up, the clear lag comes. And of course I didn't get my elytra. Anyway, I ask if anyone is selling an elytra, and Pimcy tells me he's selling one with unbreaking 3 and mending. Half an hour and an inventory of bonemeal later, I trade all of the wheat in and i have 30 diamond blocks. So then we go to the trading post and I throw my diamond blocks in as you do. Then what happened you ask? CLEAR LAG. Pimpcy witnessed the diamond blocks actually disappear, I'm not lying just to get 30 diamond blocks (or the elytra). I expected that the trading post would have been protected from clear lag. I know that it isn't now, obviously. So not much needs to be done to help me. I wasn't being stupid and died or anything. I was simply trading and lost my diamond blocks. Reasons I should get my items back?

    • There is a witness, it's quite clear I'm not lying
    • I wasn't doing anything stupid
    • It's a simple fix, I just need to be handed diamond blocks
    • It happened to me twice in a row, and I put so much work in to get the elytra back after it was first clear lagged.

    My username is Jezza_YT if you would like to contact me in game.
    Thanks very much, please be careful and don't do anything risky before clear lag!!!
    I also suggest that the trading post is somehow protected so no traders lose their stuff.

  2. Lol you have no luck

  3. :/

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    I can Can confirm it I agreed trading my Unbreaking three and mending Elytra Over to Jezza for 30 diamond blocks The clear entities to reduce lag happened at the last second of trading and deleted his Blocks in the trading post for a second I thought he withdrew his pay but it was a whole different situation

    [20:35:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Info]: Killed 772 ground items!

    [20:35:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Jezza_YT§r> NO
    [20:35:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Jezza_YT§r> NOO
    [20:35:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Pimpcy§r> >
    [20:35:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Pimpcy§r> ?
    [20:36:03] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Jezza_YT§r> Venetorem
    [20:36:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Jezza_YT§r> Venetorem
    [20:36:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Pimpcy§r> ..
    [20:37:23] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7Pimpcy§r> dont want it?
    [20:37:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §7Jezza_YT§r whispers to you: i threw the blocks into the thing and clear lag went

  5. Thanks Pimp. Also, I'm afraid i'm actually a boy xDDD

  6. Wow that must suck big time.

  7. R.I.P... I don't know what else to say...

  8. I'll give you some

  9. This is why there is a 1 minute warning before hand that says, ALL Ground items will be cleared. The trading post is not protect nor can it easily be done so if at all.

    It's very simple if you see the warning coming and it comes the same time every hour (half past) do not place valuable items on the ground.


  10. ok thanks nysic

  11. I have around three elytras and only planning on keeping one in which someone gave to me a while back when I had none, I felt so bad for the misunderstanding when ven told me the same thing Crafty did notify Jezza in making a forum post so i thought something would come out of it
    I wanted to give you the unused elytra free of charge for your loss if nothing could of been done about it Jezz

  12. This entity clear is really a pain in the ass. Of course there is a 1min warning but sometimes people cant decide when they die, for example, like 1 week ago I was blown off a cliff by a creeper and died with a full god armor and tool set, it was next to my home so it wouldn't have been a problem getting it back BUT THEN, the lag clear appeared and my stuff was gone. I didnt complain because I had no evidence proving that I really lost a god set. Anyway, I think I might be not the only one. Something has to change. Maybe a warning 5 min before the clear up? Maybe a serverplz command that shows the next shedule? idk but the current situation sucks

  13. @Sofatroll This entity clear is really a pain in the ass. Of course there is a 1min warning but sometimes people cant decide when they die, for example, like 1 week ago I was blown off a cliff by a creeper and died with a full god armor and tool set, it was next to my home so it wouldn't have been a problem getting it back BUT THEN, the lag clear appeared and my stuff was gone. I didnt complain because I had no evidence proving that I really lost a god set. Anyway, I think I might be not the only one. Something has to change. Maybe a warning 5 min before the clear up? Maybe a serverplz command that shows the next shedule? idk but the current situation sucks

    What you should do in such a case is log.. if there is no one else around then the chunk won't be loaded and the ground items will remain.

  14. The entity clear comes on consistently every 35 mins past the hour.

  15. Is there a way to manipulate the command blocks so the entity clear doesn't affect the area within the trading post? I feel that would be a safe way to ensure trades aren't lost. I understand the warning, however trying to see if it's possible to overcome a minor inconvenience.

  16. @Sofatroll Ikr dude. This is a vanilla server. I understand having it in factions servers for example, but all you have to do to get your gear there is basically /kit. But here, people spend hours, even days trying to get one set of gear. It don't think it's necessary. Even if it was every 3-5 hours it would reduce the chance of losing stuff. Also, I suggest there is a larger more visible warning maybe 3 lines long and in bold red text, so everyone notices it very easily.

  17. @GodOfDiscordia or just don't trade for a minute or two after the warning comes up.

  18. I don't see a problem with the clear command thingy. It was put in place to help against lag, which it has. And the warning itself is hard to miss. It's simple when you see the warning, don't place down items or they will be cleared.

  19. This is a vanilla server

    Yes, lags like a bitch when you have too many entities.

    I understand having it in factions servers

    Not that necessary, plugins could be much more selective, also, if anything, it's more necessary for vanilla servers.

    It don't think it's necessary.

    It is, like really is important, server used to crash on a regular basis when we didn't have it.

    Even if it was every 3-5 hours

    Our restarts take care of unloading stuck chunks and refreshing the world, the entity clear seems to work best every hour, just enough to stop the server from crashing, not too much to really piss anyone off.

    I suggest there is a larger more visible warning maybe 3 lines long and in bold red text

    We try to keep messages short and to the point to avoid spamming chat. To me, it's quite visible, it's different from all other messages, it happens once a hour at fixed intervals.

    I was working on making it avoid the trading post but that causes side effects, it won't clear anything in the nether or the end if I set coordinates to avoid.

  20. Those crashes were happening about every 2 hours, doing a clear at one hour keeps it under control to the point where it doesn't crash.

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