Hugely Productive Iron theory....

  1. 9 years ago

    Okie dokie. Built a giant iron farm, it no worky right.

    Here is a link, if anyone has insight, I'd love it :D

  2. Edited 9 years ago by Glucan

    Good job for building this in CraftyMynes, I would have simply given up. When you mean it ain't working right, can you specify whether it's the clock, villager mechanics or golem spawning. Screenies may help, but I doubt it since the build is so huge and complex.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    It dosent work right due to the servers multiplayer lag slowing your clock, the entity limit of spawned creatures per person and the tick count of entity spawns being slower due to the lag that the server invokes. It works perfectly on a single player world because theres nothing holding back all the various counters needed to spawn in an iron golem at a village- the same cant be said for Multiplayer, unfortunatly.

    10 people on, it probably runs fine- 11 people on, now it goes to hell XD
    30 people on? no bloody chance of those numbers

  4. Edited 9 years ago by CraftyMyner

    I will also note that the one in the video is in a superflat only as big as the farm itself. Their number of 1300/hr is best case scenario. You would likely lose at least 25% of that number due to tick rate alone, nevermind all the things baron was talking about, also, being so big as well as being underground means it's hard to tell if you did it 100% correct.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Monkeybone87

    I've checked and rechecked, but I had come to the same conclusion Baron. I had timed it also with me being on and I think if the chunks are unloaded it requires a reset, unfortunately my Armadillo Express Internet lags me out before a complete reset can take place.

    Meh, either way, the other iron farm we made is working fine :) Thanks guys

  6. 7 years ago

    I want to become like that Mineseyecraft guy

    Does this iron farm still work thanks

  7. Yes, just bear in mind that because of server lag the spawn rates will be lower and it will take longer to reset. You also need to make sure you keep the whole farm loaded while it resets and runs (ideally by standing in the middle of it). Also will need to be reset if it ever becomes unloaded, i.e. if you leave the area or the server restarts.

  8. Why you gotta necropost

  9. Cause it seems to be the new popular thing kids are doing these days

  10. You did it btw

  11. This thread is more than a year and a half old.
    Supreme necropost

  12. May we let dead threads lie in peace

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