New leadership #<Generic number>

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @neonjews It's indeed not the same, anyway the term grammar nazi doesnt distinguish this in the way its normally used. You must be new to the internet

  3. Me sighing --> -image- <-- Neon trying

  4. @Pimpcy

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy



    Taking your bait supply away for that.

  6. I don't know my Pokemon very well so who is the grey one that got his / her ice cream taken?

  7. @_Confederacy_ I don't know my Pokemon very well so who is the grey one that got his / her ice cream taken?

    Bruh... That's Togepi, he's one of the original pokemon lol

  8. @mightymyntz Bruh... That's Togepi, he's one of the original pokemon lol

    MasaruCyri the Queen of Pokemon here. xD Togepi was introduced in the anime before 2nd gen came out (Like how Ho-oh was in the first episode of Pokemon even when it wasn't an actual Pokemon yet, but Togepi had a bigger presence than Ho-oh)

  9. @MasaruCyri MasaruCyri the Queen of Pokemon here. xD Togepi was introduced in the anime before 2nd gen came out (Like how Ho-oh was in the first episode of Pokemon even when it wasn't an actual Pokemon yet, but Togepi had a bigger presence than Ho-oh)

    That's because Togepi is just adorable as like ...... I don't know nothing can compare to its adorableness!

  10. tsu

    11 Jun 2016 Suspended

    Who do you think you are talking like that in these streets @criaotic

  11. criaotic

    11 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @tsu Who do you think you are talking like that in these streets @criaotic

    I feel like im a Gnome. Hinterino.

  12. Gnome are you changing your name in the hopes that people will not realize it is you and accept you into their factions? If so, that is sad...

  13. hax, if you don't realize that he has actually had that name on his account before and you're trying to fit some hypothesis to make him further look like a bad guy, that is sad...

  14. so sad..i cry every time ;-;

  15. (waits for "Thread Locked")

  16. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    I said if so... I was not accusing anyone... yet.

  17. Deleted 8 years ago by r4iscool1
  18. This thread was made for a bit of a laugh, so could you do me a favour and take your childish bickering elsewhere? This thread was supposed to cause a bit of laughter, not have you all compare egos

  19. @Dannysharks This thread was made for a bit of a laugh, so could you do me a favour and take your childish bickering elsewhere? This thread was supposed to cause a bit of laughter, not have you all compare egos


  20. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    @criaotic paaaaaaaaaaaaathetic

    Its hilarious to me cause I know that reference

    @Dannysharks did you not expect any of it to happen here? lol?

  21. Whether or not they're childishly bickering it was you who decided on making a thread in order to taunt a faction or specifically "<Generic nub faction name>" of course a little bit of this is going to be the result. Just saying it was to be expected right off the bat the moment you pressed enter to post this it should of clicked. Just my two cents anyway

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