1. 7 years ago

    Hey looking For spawn eggs. Preferably (cow, (ghast if exists), sheep, slime, blaze, and maybe rabbit.
    Not exact on prices but give me an offer.

  2. We don't give away Ghast, slime or Blaze eggs.
    You may purchase a mooshroom egg from me for 85ish diamond blocks however.

  3. mooshroom egg just seems like a expensive version of the cow spawn egg,

  4. You only get specific eggs from the craftycrates. I dont think theres any cow ones given out yet

  5. ahh do you know if sheep are out?

  6. Sheep ones were in one months crate. Not sure which one

  7. @Dannysharks Sheep ones were in one months crate. Not sure which one


  8. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    I think I have a sheep egg from somewhere too, I'd be willing to sell it for a stack and a bit of diamond blocks or alternatively iron blocks.

  9. @R4iscool1 I think I have a sheep egg from somewhere too, I'd be willing to sell it for a stack and a bit of diamond blocks or alternatively iron blocks.

    @R4iscool1 You may purchase a mooshroom egg from me for 85ish diamond blocks however.

    Majorly overpriced, I've bought about 6 spawn eggs for less than 20 diamond blocks including bear, sheep, mooshroom and shulker.

  10. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    @CodyJProductions Majorly overpriced, I've bought about 6 spawn eggs for less than 20 diamond blocks including bear, sheep, mooshroom and shulker.

    Really ? all the eggs I've have seen sold have been in the stacks of diamond blocks.
    May I ask off who ?

  11. Actually cow eggs were given out once. I think both mooshroom and regular eggs.

  12. Are villager eggs sold in CraftyCrates?

  13. @_Confederacy_ Are villager eggs sold in CraftyCrates?

    No not anymore. That was only 1.8. We don't hand ut overpowered eggs

  14. Edited 7 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat

    @iclutchHD then mind listing the eggs you CAN get? that way people can know without hopelessly looking for someone with it if it's unobtainable

  15. @iclutchHD No not anymore. That was only 1.8. We don't hand ut overpowered eggs

    But i hand you L's .


  16. @Grinning_Bobcat @iclutchHD then mind listing the eggs you CAN get? that way people can know without hopelessly looking for someone with it if it's unobtainable

    I'll take a look when I can of the craftycrates we've had.

  17. That would be helpful.
    Polar Bear
    Idk what else im missing

  18. @Captain_Mitchell That would be helpful.
    Polar Bear
    Idk what else im missing

    enderdragon!! Jk jk

  19. No I wish. I know on 1.8 i got villagers.

  20. I have a silverfish spawn egg

  21. Newer ›

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