Forum Rank Colors are Now Automated!!!

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    My god, I never thought such a simple task could be so hard. 24 hours later from when I started this project I am done. Your name color should now match your rank on the server.

    The reason it took so long to get colors to update on the forum is:

    For the longest time I have not been checking name case anywhere and that has really messed us up.

    The flow of a donation goes like this.

    BuyCraft (not case sensitive) -> VIP Manager (semi case sensitive) -> minecraft (case sensitive if you are offline) and the forum (uber case sensitive)

    Players entering their name both at checkout and on the forum where not always typing the same case as their ingame name. This caused some things to not work like if you were offline when the donation came though you wouldn't get anything, or if you already had VIP in the database and you got it again with a different case, it would treat you as a new person, if your name on the forum was different it would take VIP from you and if you put your name in as a different case while you were online for VIP+ and then didn't come on when it tried to expire you, It wouldn't expire you.

    Long story short, case checking/correcting has been added to usernames both on the forum and on buycraft. I have manually corrected all donors on the forum and in the database, if you have a name with the wrong case on the forums and then donate, you will need to let me know so I can change the case of your name.

    Note: Names on the forum don't update instantly. Edit: Because I am awesome, I got it to update when it updates the rank on the server.

  2. ok great update crafty

  3. Damn!

  4. great job!

  5. Thank you Crafty!

  6. gg Thanks for all your hard work!

  7. Crafty, you are awesome

  8. Awesome!!!

  9. Lol I didn't realize until recently how much I take case-sensitive programs for granted... Thank you for accommodating my mental handicap.

  10. Doge approves :D

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