Plz could someone apply my protection 2 book to my egg thanks
(why baron why?)
Plz could someone apply my protection 2 book to my egg thanks
(why baron why?)
#destroyhisegg XD
Nooooooo my egg
@CraftyMyner plz protect my egg
what egg exactly @Fish_life
This thread confuses me in soooo many ways? What egg?!
This had to be the weirdest request I've seen on here. And that says something.
@OtherGreenGamer This had to be the weirdest request I've seen on here. And that says something.
@OtherGreenGamer This had to be the weirdest request I've seen on here. And that says something.
Especially since he was already told no in game by atleast both baron and me
Idk if thats even possible.
Name your egg "protected egg" and go stfu and gtfo, random ass fish. God! Ugh!
@TheMightyDrex Name your egg "protected egg" and go stfu and gtfo, random ass fish. God! Ugh!
well alrighty then, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
mind blown @Sofatroll