Shield Shop - Important for Admins!

  1. 9 years ago

    For all Admins:
    I would like to build and run a custom shield shop. I need permission to place it right next to spawn instead of 1k away from it (so people could actually come to it). I would also like for it to be punishable for griefing it. I feel a good price for a custom designed shield would be 4 iron (considering all the time it takes to find the materials), however, this price could change if you want it to. This would be a great way for people to become familiar with the new update and get an epic looking shield!
    Thank you for your consideration - Crazycreeper1812

  2. nah

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by Crazycreeper1812
  4. not that i have any power but the idea is meh

  5. Couldn't you have an unoffical business through the chat? Perhaps as a traveling merchant?

  6. I think this is a lovely idea! Obviously i'm not staff so I have no say in the matter, but I think it'd be so cool if everyone had their own personal symbols.

  7. There is already a villager that trades shields at spawn however it is a vip thing, and no to building at or in spawns protected zone, you can advertise your services in chat as long as it isn't spammy if you wish.

  8. The rentable plots, would that be something he could do there? If not maybe make another area for user owned shops? Although we do already have the trading post so a shop would be kind of pointless. Just a thought.

  9. Well its a good idea but they probably wont give you permission to open a shop right in spawn. Players dont have to come to the shop to buy the shields though, you could sell it to them using the trading post.

  10. @Eberk91 The rentable plots, would that be something he could do there? If not maybe make another area for user owned shops? Although we do already have the trading post so a shop would be kind of pointless. Just a thought.

    No if we introduce the rentable plots all items will be removed on entry making shops impossible.
    This is to prevent people from using it as storage.

  11. This would be neat.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by Crazycreeper1812

    Im would not want to put it actually IN spawn, i would just put it right out side if that would be ok

  13. @StaticSword Couldn't you have an unoffical business through the chat? Perhaps as a traveling merchant?

    That is what im currently doing, so if you see me on, feel free to ask me about getting one!

  14. @Crazycreeper1812 That is what im currently doing, so if you see me on, feel free to ask me about getting one!

    I'll make sure to! A custom designed shield sounds awesome..

  15. We wont be offering protection for it however.

  16. @R4iscool1 We won't be offering protection for it however.

    That's ok...I guess.

    Does this mean I have permission to put it within 1k blocks without it being destroyed by the helpers?

  17. 2 years ago

    you can trade your shields in the tradepost now at spawn! lots of other players have run businesses and shops that way with no issues!

  18. Please refer to my comment here:

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