1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago

    I'm going to deny this. Unless Crafty says otherwise its not happening

  3. Yep, we know.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by ZenithW

    Crafty plz plz plz say yes? Even just half of a e-chest or 5 slots(like a time capsule thing)?? I spent so much time and show full support on legacy server and it's sad to see them wasted (we all know it's just a matter of time that 1.8 server will be a ghost town).

    In terms of econ, with non-VIP players able to sell nearly unlimited coal, iron and gold the economy in 1.9, it is already in inflation anyway. Or maybe put a none-emmy or diam limit?

  5. I wish it could happen as I am too lazy to get diamonds.

  6. tsu

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    How about no

  7. tsu

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    The new servers economy is perfectly fine.

  8. Please Crafty ?

  9. Zen, even if only 1 slot were to be transferred, someone could bring ~600 diamonds over, or 64 god apples, which would just be ridiculous.
    Moreover, for Crafty to sift through every single person's ender chest would simply take too much time.

  10. @Captain_Mitchell Who cares? I want my shit.

    I don't give a single fuck about your shit, Mitchell. How about that?
    This just shows us how incredibly selfish and immature you are.

  11. Imagine i brought over 5 stacks of god apples or the dragon egg.
    Itd be completely unfair.

  12. @Captain_Mitchell I wish it could happen as I am too lazy to get diamonds.

    Then thats your issue.
    Minecrsft is a grinding game, you are expected to work for your resources like anyone else.

  13. This would be the last thing I would want to do, moving players ender items is not simple.

    #1. Ender items are stored in your player.dat file, if i were to just copy that file, it would also copy your inv, you location, break 1.9 tags system (tags are stored in player.dat) and many other issues that I don't know about yet.

    #2. TBH, after a few miscalculated decisions and some messed up villagers, the old server's economy was completely fucked. Bringing large amounts of gapples to a new server where gapples are extremely hard to find and also limited would break any sort of attempt at fair pvp.

    #3. How would I deal with this, $5 per enderchest, it would take some time to copy them, run them through a program to merge your new player.dat with your old one, what happens when it overwrites your new enderchest? I wouldn't want to be doing this for many players, it would take way too much time, but I also wouldn't want it automated, if someone were to abuse it, or something were to go wrong when I wasn't there to fix it, that could be a disaster.

    Short story long, I think I would copy bases before I would allow players to copy enderchests, and even that is a long shot.

    - Crafty

  14. @Blackened_Dawn My apologies, I was just upset when I posted this. I understand now guys.

  15. Captain if u need any help in 1.9 let us know!

  16. I need armor is what I need.

  17. tsu

    8 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Why don't you earn it:)

  18. Too lazy man

  19. Im still working on my Sword :D only have Smite 5 and Unbreaking 3 on it

  20. It isn't that hard to get armor , just mine or make a grinder.

  21. No u

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