Kangaroo why are you banned again?
Kangaroo why are you banned again?
I would be a block of prismarine xD
I love its coloring and the block is sorta rarish
What do you mean if? I am a melon
@Lazoru What do you mean if? I am a melon
Lol xD
i would be an elytra because im an angel so innocent LOL or maybe i would be an egg because im a good egg
I would have to be a air block, because you know that I'm there, but I can't do shit and I disappear.
@gilbertboys Kangaroo why are you banned again?
the ability to see through stone blocks
i wil be a blaze rod
because blazes are cool and there faces are funny, and the rods are like wands
@ViciousKangaroo r3kt, why are you still here? got alts? :) :) :)
Dont be so mean.
@gilbertboys @ViciousKangaroo r3kt, why are you still here? got alts? :) :) :)
I would be Bread no real reason other than i like bread
I would be a Torch, for being there when most needed, according to my gf and sis
I'd be a peace of leather cause I'm pointless af
You think you don't need me, then you come crawling back...
@TheBlizWiz Cobblestone
You think you don't need me, then you come crawling back...
Only for furnaces tbh.
id be a cobblestone block because i havnt done anything but people still dislike me lmao
@Pimpcy I would be a simple diamond
My Birthstone is a diamond and they're also a symbol for romance and commitment
My birthstone is also diamond, coincidences!
@Cileklim A lot of people are born in April...