Red Army: Policies

  1. 9 years ago

    Who We Are

    The Red Army is a Defensive Militant Faction (DMF). Our purpose is to acquire as much land and resources as possible, and to provide an inclusive and fun community to play in. We do raid and grief but only those who have done wrong to us. We also supply our members with essentials such as P4 sets with insurance, a safe base, building assistance, protection/ PVP alliance, and the most important aspect of any group friendships. We work through a prestige system of multiple bases What this means is as you become more trusted, you will move up to bigger and better bases containing more advanced features.


    Assuming that there will be villager trades similar to the ones on the old Server, taxes for P4 and god items will be from here forth abandoned. All items will be provided so long as each member of the group is pulling their share. God picks and different block types will be given to builders for free just as God armor and swords will be given to pvpers for free. Everyone will share in the wealth, and insurance for all members and all Items will be provided. Every member is of value to Red Army, and everyone of our members deserve to have their needs met. All we ask is that you give back when necessary, we will never ask for much.

    New Bases

    Bases will fall into 4 catagories
    1) Megafarm bases- these will be for technical builders, the entire purpose of these is to acquire emeralds for trade to supply for tools, armor, and weapons. Along with crops, mob loot, gold, and iron will be farmed. Construction will not stop on these bases. They will grow bigger and more profitable so that we can sustain our growing membership.

    2) Wealth bases- These bases will hold any excess wealth such as heads, valuables, beacons, and books containing base coords of non members. Only the highest ranking, most trusted Red Army commanders can be stationed here. They will be in charge of making sure that everyone is getting what they need (PVPer's get their swords&armor, builders get their blocks and picks)

    3) NSBs (near spawn bases)- These bases will be for PVPer's and will range from 1k-15k from spawn. Members here will be spawned close enough to find and destroy anyone they wish and collect the heads and valuables of enemies/non members.

    4) Cities- These special bases will be large projects for builders who enjoy making beautiful sculptures, and will provide housing and comfort to other members, in these bases votes and descions will be made, and libraries will be kept of enchantments and base coord locations.

    [h]VIP/VIP+ for non members
    1 Diamond=2 Gold=3 Emeralds=6 Iron

    Cost- With that being said I will use the diamond as a base for our costs. VIP membership will cost 3 stacks of diamond blocks, and 1 month VIP+ will cost 5 stacks of Diamond blocks.

    Heads & Beacons - Enemy heads will be worth 40 diamond blocks each, other heads and their worth will be negotiable, however when using heads for payment a the heads must belong to different players. Payment using heads can only be used once per player as well. Beacons will also be worth 25 diamond blocks.

    Other Arrangements- Other arrangements may be arranged, however that will require consulting with a high ranking Red Army member.

    [h]VIP/VIP+ for members
    VIP will automatically be given to any member who has been providing their share in our faction and has been a part of the faction for 3 months, VIP+ will be given to loyal members who have been providing their share for 6 months. They can also pay out of pocket using the non-members rules.

    Foreign Policy/Raiding

    A base is a players home first and foremost. We recognize the effort that goes into creating said home and thus The Red Army has revised their policy on Raiding/Griefing. The new policies will be divided into 3 sections covering allies, enemies, and players with no standing. Whenever a base is found Red Army will leave a sign to contact us.


    When the coords of an allied player are found, Red Army will not make any charge. We will simply inform the person that we have them and will protect their location. Being allied with us, the player can choose to receive rations like official members of RA by paying taxes though it's not required. Taxes will also contribute to Red Army prestige, the more a player pays, the more bases they will be shown and have access to.


    Enemies of the Red Army don't get nice treatment. If enemy base coords are found one of 3 things could happen:

    Extortion- We inform the enemy we have their coords and they have to pay biweekly to keep it safe
    Attack- We raid/grief the enemy with no warning what so ever.
    War!- We make the enemies coords public and allow the whole server to get on the action (this only happens for Extreme enemies)

    Non Standing Players

    When it comes to players who are neither allied or against Red Army, we take a kind approach. First we offer alliance, which if accepted will incline you to all the benefits of being ally. If refused the Red Army will vote on the next action which include:

    No consequence- we leave the players base as is, and don't bother them anymore
    One time fee- The player pays a one time fee of 32 emeralds and we leave to never bother them again
    Raid- We raid the base, but do not grief it
    Note: The decision for Non standing players will be made depending on the Red Army's option of the player at large, and the value the base presents to us

    Formation of the USSR

    Red Army will be heading the charge for a multi-faction alliance to further boost trade and productivity. If you wish to speak more of this ambitious project, speak to me.

  2. yes, i can see this happening.

  3. Interested in joining the USSR Argon?

  4. if i can be of service, yes

  5. Your faction is welcome to join the USSR, however policy for that will have to be a group concensus

  6. This sounds like a better Red Army. As long as soviet is in charge. This will definitely be a positive impact on the community.

  7. 8 years ago


  8. sov, no.

  9. @Blackened_Dawn Missed you too lol

  10. literally no one will take you or your team seriously.

  11. @Shvex literally no one will take you or your team seriously.


  12. Salty? Wot lol

  13. @Shvex *Yawn* It bores me how me how some people waste their freedom.

  14. It bores me how people try to make themselves look like they're more important than they are

  15. @Pimpcy so you bore yourself?

  16. Edited 8 years ago by FlashFood

    @SovietSuperman_ @Pimpcy so you bore yourself?

    Its pretty boring how you're insulting people on a nearly 3 month old thread. Hopefully someone locks this so you can't boost your ego without making another call for attention.

  17. The last futile struggles of a long-dead organization.

  18. @FlashFood Its pretty boring how you're insulting people on a nearly 3 month old thread. Hopefully someone locks this so you can't boost your ego without making another call for attention.

    Shots fired!

  19. Delete post it's getting too heated

  20. @Pimpcy It bores me how people try to make themselves look like they're more important than they are

    @SovietSuperman_ @Pimpcy so you bore yourself?

    When someone makes a valid point then gets the response of a pissed off third grader

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