Feedback on Castle Thing?

  1. 8 years ago

    I've been working on a small castle, just wanted a little bit of feedback from the community. Here are a few pictures of it"

  2. House could use a little more detail.
    More interior detail.
    I'd say fix your walls too.
    If I was to visit, I'd only see a square-like building and I wouldn't even think it as a castle.
    Add some depth to the walls. Also, you could use a better entrance. It's a castle!
    I also think that the castle walls should be symmetry for the sake of the art.

  3. nice start !

  4. A good rule to abide by: walls should be 3 layers thick, 2 at a minimum. It forces you to build with depth, giving a lot more character to walls. Of course there are always a few exceptions, but generally, this makes everything look better.

  5. Deleted 8 years ago by TopsNeverStops
  6. Deleted 8 years ago by Rybye
  7. @GoofyGuy12

    where is this in relation to our base and the village?

  8. make walls 6 layers thick so you can walk through the inside

  9. Space our sticky pistons so you can open doors to pour lava down your walls

  10. /fill x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 air 0 replace lava should help fix it

  11. @iclutchHD /fill x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 air 0 replace lava should help fix it

    hey is that what happened to my base !


  12. use cracked and mossy and chisled stones to add variation in texture

  13. Looking good. Nice job.

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