1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by SymphonicYT

    Crafty has added like 4 million things to VIP+, but really, what do we VIPs get? I paid 15 pounds for VIP, but what do I really get? A free Warp, a free TPA, nether roof access (which any VIP will let a normal player tp to), that's pretty much it. The VIP lounge is useless now that they don't have a guardian grinder. I feel like I deserve something more for my money. What about some sort of Mini craftycrate? Or what about custom armour stands? Or maybe a few particle choices? Plsss.

    Mr. Frustrated-face

  2. to be fair, 15$ isn't that much and a free warp and a fancy name seems more than reasonable to me.
    adding more perks to VIP would make it too much pay to win in my opinion.

  3. I disagree, besides wasn't it like 20 pounds before the reset? I'm sure I payed more than 13 for it

  4. The guardian grinder is back @Cutebot

  5. O rly? Couldn't someone have told me that earlier @adamblakely2

  6. @Cutebot I disagree, besides wasn't it like 20 pounds before the reset? I'm sure I payed more than 13 for it

    The price for VIP hasn't changed since I had been around (Aril 2016)

  7. @adamblakely2 The guardian grinder is back @Cutebot

    *runs to spawn*

  8. K if u say so @WBlaine

  9. The price of VIP has been the same since I started (Feb 2015)

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    Price of VIP was always 15$, even when it was just a colour change

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @Cutebot O rly? Couldn't someone have told me that earlier @adamblakely2

    Maybe you should use your eyes

  12. The main difference between VIP and VIP+ and MVP is that VIP is a one time purchase. VIP+ and MVP are all recurring purchases. Agreeing to pay 15$ for something, then wanting more later without paying anything else doesn't make much sense imo.

  13. You must keep in mind that these are contributions to the server for the purpose of keeping it online. They are not meant to give you a massive advantage, fill my pockets or break the economy/EULA.

    VIP is a lifetime purchase, while it does help the server, it is nowhere as close to the help that our dedicated VIP+'s provide. Therefor, VIP+ has more effects and perks, and MVP has more perks on top of VIP+.

    It is true that VIP has lost perks due to economy balance and EULA, but so has VIP+ and MVP, they are all relative to each other.

    In the beginning of the server, there was just VIP for $15, then there was ServerBills and then I brought the VIP+ subscription service for $25. Some players complained that VIP+ renewal was too much so I brought it down to the same price as VIP.

    You have been on this forum for 7 months,

    $15 over 7 months is about 7 cents per day, $2 per month. That's not much to compared to the VIP+'s who are contributing $15/month.

    It's all relative.

    - Crafty

  14. ok @CraftyMyner

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Retrochewy

    In some of those big servers out there, purchasing a rank makes the normies seem like people who have no power. On one skyblock server(I will not mention name) People who pay (I think $55) and above have /fly and they can just cheat parkour. Also donators can set warps on the server that allow them to create shops while regular normies can't. And then the people who donated $200 get a gapple and over 10 diamonds EVERYDAY! I mean, how is that fair? A gapple on skyblock is already OP but they get one EVERYDAY! So just saying, CraftyMynes should not go that route as kids with parents that are unwilling to spend money in-game will have to suffer because of the advantages ranks give.

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