MAV3NX Base Under Consctruction Images

  1. 8 years ago



  2. -image-

  3. -image-

  4. -image-

    Kids Playground in the backyard.

    Gavin_2008 and DR_NO_NO

  5. -image-

    kids playground

  6. -image-

    Netherwart Farm

  7. -image-

    Entrance to the main corridor of the mines

  8. It's all under construction still.

  9. It looks great, freaking love the cathedral the colours are so nice oh my god :D good job man !!

  10. I'll have to post some images at sunrise. Looks better then.

  11. looks great, lots of color, keep up the food work!

  12. -image-

  13. 7 years ago

    You still going to finish this? I haven't seen you on the server in a while.

  14. nice!

  15. @TomTom900 i saw ur name in the pics so ill bring it up. no i didnt raid you its a joke why would i raid a base which i helped build myself

  16. Edited 7 years ago by Tez1010

    Love your builds @MAV3NX - great to see a good splash of colour

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