Buying a sheep spawn egg

  1. 7 years ago

    I had a sheep spawn egg, tried it on a spawner and it failed. So I'm looking to buy another one from someone.

  2. @TomTom900 you have to get a admin to do that survival people can not put spawn eggs in spawners

  3. @TimeKing297 @TomTom900 you have to get a admin to do that survival people can not put spawn eggs in spawners

    They can, but the environment has to be just right for the egg to spawn anything or else it will revert back to its original state. And sometimes it just doesn't work.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by javonjw

    @TimeKing297 @TomTom900 you have to get a admin to do that survival people can not put spawn eggs in spawners

    @TimeKing297 you can place spawner eggs in survival spawners and a admin or mod wont do it for you it just does not work every time and mods or admins do not replace the eggs if they fail

    see post

  5. I don't have an egg but I got a ton of wool for sale if u need

  6. nah i only need the egg

  7. I'm also needing a Mushroom spawn egg if anyone has one to sell

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