Skin questions

  1. 7 years ago

    Who do you think has the best skin on this server?

    Who has the most badass skin?

    Who has the most creative skin?

    Who has the most realistic skin?

    Who has the most visually pleasing skin?

  2. Best Skin: Pickle Rick
    Most Badass: Pickle Rick, he made a fucking laser cannon that uses AA batteries
    Most Creative: Pickle Rick, obviously
    Most Realistic: Pickle Rick, his ambition to turn himself into a pickle was very realistick
    Most Visually Pleasing: Pickle Rick

  3. i always rly liked sofatroll's skin bc it's really well made and looks like him

  4. @Fingerbib i always rly liked sofatroll's skin bc it's really well made and looks like him

    Until you see thw skin layer, then you get scarred for life =P

  5. @Venetorem Until you see thw skin layer, then you get scarred for life =P


  6. -image-

  7. Enough CM for today I guess...

  8. @Fingerbib i always rly liked sofatroll's skin bc it's really well made and looks like him

    Sofatrolls have layers, just like onions

  9. How’s a squared 8x8 face ever realistic

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