To CraftyMyner, the Admins, and Staff...

  1. 6 years ago

    I've seen a lot of forum posts about where the Staff/Admins/Owner can improve, or where they're messing up. No one is perfect, and everyone messes up, but I think you guys have done a hell of a good job.

    Thank you, for creating such a great playable environment and keeping it running in the background. Your work is seriously underappreciated, so once again, thank you.

  2. Thank you for your kind comments! We always try our best to do what we think is right for the server and community. Sometimes some people disagree but we always try to take what we learned and improve.

  3. Thank you from me too!

    Today i made a suggestion to Crafty to improve the tp system and he put it in place straight away. Now a new tp will automatically reject and replace an old one, so no more confusion. So an official thank you to @CraftyMyner.

    Crafty and all the staff team welcome suggestions. There is a section in this forum for giving your ideas and feedback. All suggestions are taken seriously even if they can't all be enacted.

    For me personally, seeing everyone have fun on the server is really rewarding and thanks in itself, but it is really nice to get a message like yours, thanking Crafty and the staff.

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