VIP+ Give Away April!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    So, will the people who were in the last draw be in the next draw? I like me some VIP+. Trading post tp is the handiest thing ever lel

  3. The pool is separate for each month, meaning you need to be added each month :)

  4. @Nysic Hall of Fame - March

    So this isn't a list of people in this months draw, this is just a list of people in the last one, is that correct? Just so I have my details sorted properly :P

  5. That is correct that's just the list of who got vip and in what is month

  6. Alrighty, Thanks for clearing that up for me :)

  7. When will we know who is in the draw? Do we just have to wait until the draw itself?

  8. No one is currently in the draw.
    Staff will nominate people for this month when they see them helping out.

  9. I nominate @Beedobi and @adamblakely2 for being helpful to new players

  10. @Cellexya I nominate @Beedobi and @adamblakely2 for being helpful to new players

    I know im not staff, but I second this nomination

  11. Both added to the April list :)

  12. Deleted 8 years ago by adamblakely2
  13. @Cellexya Thank you so much

  14. @Cellexya ahhh thank you! You're too kind omf

  15. @cookiestepdog & @Adapt_Alot are added to the list

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    Wow , Tysm!!! :D @Nysic

  17. Thank you very much @Nysic!!

  18. Deleted 8 years ago by Adapt_Alot
  19. Deleted 8 years ago by Adapt_Alot
  20. TheSpiderman2013 added as well

  21. TheSpiderman2013 added as well

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