The source of our lag!!!

  1. 8 years ago

    I found the source of our lag...



    How mojang can let it get to this is crazy...

  2. wtf

  3. WHy am I in the stats? 153

  4. Woah.

  5. wtf....

  6. Edited 8 years ago by _Drachenzorn_

    This is just my observation, there is a base (or a player presence) near this temple, around 128 blocks or so. While this player is online the temple continuously spawns guardian. There are some that despawned, but the spawning is way greater than the despawning rate. Happened to me once or twice but I have an autokill room so in a few minutes when I come back, guardian starts moving and they'll eventually die and normalize.

    So also check if you are near such structures

  7. HOW

  8. how to know if you are near a guardian temple? Theyre not hidden, so explore a bit.

  9. I thought @CodyJProductions had something to do with it lol

  10. dang, how did you pinpoint that crafty? is it random flying or some kind of map u can look at?

  11. We count the total entities, total of each type and total around each player so we can find players or areas with too many entities. This is happening at least once a day.

  12. Thats nasty. Good luck with a solution :/

  13. For those with guardian grinders, please keep your e count down or make it auto kill. They spawn like rabbits breed, so it can become a problem in a matter of minutes. Even if you have to reduce your tank size to cut spawns, it'll help out the rest of us. The server might even start to love you.

  14. Wtf... how does that happen...

  15. can you tell us the players name?

  16. I see in the entity list 2 entitys that ive never heard of. What is a Freamcheese and a Icebael ?

  17. Both are players

  18. Was Freamcheese in the monument or something?

  19. Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    He was close enough to cause them to spawn, but they weren't despawning fast enough.

  20. Holy cow.

    Seafood tonight!

  21. Newer ›

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