Nether Update?

  1. 5 years ago

    Do we know if the nether well be reset with the new update???
    I would hate to loose my nether hub it connects like 6 basses.
    I am undecided if i should keep working on expanding it if a reset is coming soon.

  2. Edited 5 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    Nothing is official or decided yet. Plus 1.16 is still probably months and months away.

  3. May as well continue to do what you enjoy until the time comes. It’s not really time wasted even if there is a reset.

  4. I think that if there IS a restart, inventories shouldn't be reset.

  5. Edited 5 years ago by Venetorem

    In the event of a map reset, all player data will be reset, aside from ranks.

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