Fun Times In The Nether

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by PapaNeon

    This is what happens when a Zombie Pigman walks in front of you while trying to shoot a Blaze. Never piss off the locals.


  2. I'm a scrub and I don't think I did it right so have a link

  3. Nice texture pack which one is that?

  4. You need the direct image link, one ending in .png or .jpg then put it in the "[img]" tag

  5. @Nysic It's one MizoreShirayuki made

    @CraftyMyner I'll keep that in mind, thanks

  6. It looks quite nice I'd love to get my hands on it if I could.

  7. @neonjews the best way to do that is right click the image after you upload it and click "View Image In New Tab"

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy


  9. Hahahaha
    Jokes on you
    the -image- is an image

  10. @Nysic I'll have to talk to Mizore about it, not sure if he wants to release it to other people. I'll ask him about it later and get back to you at some point!

  11. Edited 8 years ago by ShapedSundew9

    Hey Neon, been there, done that. You reminded me of a fun time I have with LifeLongStew7 on a Nether adventure. Complete disaster. I wrote a post on the old forums about it which I have dug out and copied below so it is not lost. Makes me smile (now - didn't then).

    Myself and Stew are pretty tooled up, maxed armor, swords, picks and so on, so you would not expect us to die at the hands of vanilla mobs, especially not the two of us together, but we managed it this morning. We were on quite a large nether plateau when a couple of ghasts decided to pick on us. No big deal, just whipped out the P5F1U3 bow and went to work. Unfortunately a zombie pigman stepped in front of me just as i was letting one fly and took it in the back of the head. Straight away a group of 6-8 of them are in front of me including one of those quick little bastards. I start back peddling to draw them into a line and switch to Old Painless (S5K2L3F2U3 sword). I knock off a few but more zombie pigmen join the pursuit and I still have 6-8 in front of me. I know running backwards in the nether is risky as you can drop into one of the many pools of lava, and I am starting to lose a sense of where I am, so I spin round only to get a golden sword blow in the face from the leader of another half dozen zombie pigmen. Completely surrounded and taking a hell of a lot of damage I am screaming at Stew (who is in the same room as me) to help. This is the point at which things started to go south...Stews swordsmanship is less fencing more fly swatting. He charges in slashing around taking out a few but also hitting me and setting me on fire. Dangerously low on health I decide to run for it, but the flames only extinguish when I have half a heart left and in my panic I had run into a dead end. Turning quickly I see Stew right behind me and about 10 zombie pigmen. With no way to string them out Stew and I just have to go for it. I take down a few but succumb to the hoarde, my stuff spilled out across the floor. Stew does well and polishes off the rest of them barely with a heart to spare. I am shouting at him to pick up my stuff quick but his inventory is full and a he goes to throw some stuff out (I am watching through the red mist of death) when two pigmen run into view. I start screaming at Stew to move but he turns the wrong way and before he can finish saying 'Where are they?' pops into a pile of highly enchanted diamond kit. An expensive trip to the nether.

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