1. 4 years ago

    I suggest the server give free diamonds to everyone because it is such a hard resource to get. I consider myself a Mynealist, so everyone should have equal access to diamonds. If you say otherwise you are rankist scum and you are part of the problem.

  2. Preach it brotherman

  3. +1

  4. Deleted 4 years ago by Venetorem
  5. We must rise up as a people against the top 1% of players!

  6. So you are against me then.....

  7. @Louis_Vuitton So you are against me then.....

    No! On the contrary, I am saying that we must unite as a people!

  8. Deleted 4 years ago by Compos
  9. Let's not talk about politics and political ideologies please.

  10. Yes, I feel offended why are people so against wealth well to do people?

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