A Genuine Suggestion

  1. 4 years ago

    Hello Everyone,

    I had a genuine suggestion that I believer would be beneficial to many players. Seeing the amount of time that I myself have spent grading land and clearing forest. I truly feel that turning on firespread. Would truly benefit a lot of players.

    Now I have spoke to some admin about this concept and they have stated that it causes lag. I believe that lag can be prevented if fire spread is regulated for example of the lag becomes to excessive a player could be kicked

    Please I hope you consider this idea. I truly would like to see firespread implemented into this server.



  2. zadrot ebaniy

  3. Knafeh

    5 Apr 2020 Suspended

    I'm against this idea.

  4. @deyahruhd zadrot ebaniy


  5. @Knafeh I'm against this idea.

    Why ?

  6. How would you know who started it? We do not need any more lag here I think most can agree. Also, we use the fact fire doesn't go out to add fire to spawn for decoration.

  7. Knafeh

    5 Apr 2020 Suspended

    @Louis_Vuitton Why ?

    Because I don't want houses to burn.

  8. Let it burn

  9. Knafeh

    5 Apr 2020 Suspended

    Yo you always on the forums damn

  10. ya I like the forums

  11. Some people go into jungles and just light em for funsies is the problem

  12. this is a suggestion a zadrot ebaniy would support! SAD!

  13. @deyahruhd this is a suggestion a zadrot ebaniy would support! SAD!

    Who is zadrot?

  14. I disagree with fire spreads. I've had some bad experiences and insane lag from it.

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