Unfair staff and inconsistent rules

  1. 4 months ago
    Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    Some of you may know who I am. I've been a player on the server since about 1.8, longer than many of the people that have even stuck around. I've been a part of the community longer than even some admins. I'll be the first to say, things have really gone to shit. Inconsistent rules about mods and vanilla features, staff abusing their powers for their own gain, and a declining player base are all plaguing this server.

    To start off, I was the one named "wiz" in the discord server that CommanderCat banned. He did so because he didn't like what I had to say about him abusing his power to kick me for pretty much no reason.

    It's not hard to imagine that a server where staff kick/ban people who do/say things that they PERSONALLY don't like would be struggling, but this is where things are at.

    The server is raiding/griefing, yet ban someone for lavacasting an unprotected area. Makes sense.

    Cheating isn't allowed, yet allow a mod that is essentially x-ray. Makes sense.

    Oh no, you can't use a vanilla client feature because that's basically x-ray. Makes sense.

    Don't you dare call out a staff member for anything, including posting a transphobic gif, or you WILL be punished. Makes sense. Hell, you'll even get kicked for talking about Ben 10, the animated show (thanks Tez).

    I took it to the forums, CommanderCat. Are you going to lock this thread? Delete it? Ban my forum account? I'm just doing what you said to do.

    It's a Minecraft server at the end of the day, so I really don't care. But CraftyMynes used to be something special to me. And it looks like it's going to die a slow and painful death the way things are going right now. Incredibly unfortunate that this is the state of the server.

  2. Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    As I'm not home, I typed this out very quickly and posted immediately. I encourage everyone to add their own grievances to this thread (before staff lock it) to share your side as well.

    Ps: unban my discord account. I did nothing wrong.

  3. @SharpSerac As I'm not home, I typed this out very quickly and posted immediately. I encourage everyone to add their own grievances to this thread (before staff lock it) to share your side as well.

    There's literally no reason to add grievances when every single time threads like these are made the thread gets locked, the 2 only active staff members say "who are you? you don't even play, get buhhlocked and deleted." I've aired my grievances already multiple times and just get told off because I don't play on this server anymore, it's almost like I don't play precisely because of the grievances I'm literally explaining in the post.

    This server has been in a complete downward spiral ever since Dawn resigned.

  4. @j____a____r____d There's literally no reason to add grievances when every single time threads like these are made the thread gets locked, the 2 only active staff members say "who are you? you don't even play, get buhhlocked and deleted." I've aired my grievances already multiple times and just get told off because I don't play on this server anymore, it's almost like I don't play precisely because of the grievances I'm literally explaining in the post.

    This server has been in a complete downward spiral ever since Dawn resigned.

    I completely agree. They say "take it to the forums" because they don't want you talking about it on the server or in the discord, but then you do take it here and the thread is locked because they don't want the discussion even taking place. Just another tool they have to silence anyone with genuine criticisms that they don't want to hear.

  5. Seems to be a misconception. From what was said seemed like you were told to stop because you continued to take it further and further than it needed to go. Not only did you not go oh I was kicked from discord I best stop. You kept going on and on till u got finally banned from the server. Take a deep breath and reflect before saying more!

  6. Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    @ThePhoenix Seems to be a misconception. From what was said seemed like you were told to stop because you continued to take it further and further than it needed to go. Not only did you not go oh I was kicked from discord I best stop. You kept going on and on till u got finally banned from the server. Take a deep breath and reflect before saying more!

    Seems to be a misconception. We were kicked/banned before he even ever said to stop. If I remember correctly, I don't think you really have a say in this after being banned multiple times from the discord, the server, and then begging to be let back in. You especially don't have any say given your racist tendencies, as well as cheater behavior.

  7. @SharpSerac Seems to be a misconception. We were kicked/banned before he even ever said to stop. If I remember correctly, I don't think you really have a say in this after being banned multiple times from the discord, the server, and then begging to be let back in. You especially don't deserve to be a part of the community given your racist tendencies, as well as cheater behavior.

    Begging? I made an appeal just like normal people should and was unbanned. Also, what say do you have here? You have yet to even join this wipe and don't even play anymore. Also I have never said anything racist or cheated in any way shape for form. Which is why I havent been perma banned

  8. Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    @ThePhoenix Also I have never said anything racist or cheated in any way shape for form.

    What did you call that one black gentleman that cut you off in traffic? Care to share with everyone?
    And you used a mod that was clearly not allowed at the time. Unapproved mods = cheating. Very simple.

  9. Here comes Phoenix trying to derail the thread, which is ironic that he's claiming this is "taking it further than it needed to go" considering this especially hilarious and epic permaban after he was... well... taking it further than it needed to go, by arguing with Dawn constantly about griefing spawn. Pot, meet kettle.

    At this point the staff are intentionally being incompetent by ignoring all of Phoenix's attempts to derail these threads, he consistently does it every single time to bicker and argue. I'm willing to wager it gives them the perfect excuse to lock criticism because he is literally incapable of standing back and observing without throwing his toys out of the pram.

  10. @SharpSerac What did you call that one black gentleman that cut you off in traffic? Care to share with everyone?

    What are you talking about?

  11. @j____a____r____d Here comes Phoenix trying to derail the thread, which is ironic that he's claiming this is "taking it further than it needed to go" considering this especially hilarious and epic permaban after he was... well... taking it further than it needed to go, by arguing with Dawn constantly about griefing spawn. Pot, meet kettle.

    At this point the staff are intentionally being incompetent by ignoring all of Phoenix's attempts to derail these threads, he consistently does it every single time to bicker and argue. I'm willing to wager it gives them the perfect excuse to lock criticism because he is literally incapable of standing back and observing without throwing his toys out of the pram.

    So calling staff incompetent is ok but explaining why someone was banned is a derail? Crazy.. Also bringing up a ban from over 5 years ago... Yikes

  12. Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    @ThePhoenix What are you talking about?


  13. @SharpSerac -image-

    Nice photoshop!

  14. @ThePhoenix Nice photoshop!

    Right, like you didn't accidentally leak your private discord server link while playing rust on twitch. Okay lol

  15. @SharpSerac Right, like you didn't accidentally leak your private discord server link while playing rust on twitch. Okay lol

    You watching my twitch? Crazy! but yeah looks lil photoshopped tbh. why not ss the entire discord?

  16. Edited 4 months ago by j____a____r____d

    @ThePhoenix So calling staff incompetent is ok but explaining why someone was banned is a derail? Crazy.. Also bringing up a ban from over 5 years ago... Yikes

    You explaining why a ban in Discord happened is completely irrelevant to the fact that long time players and even recent players like Casey Fluffbat were challenging the absolutely insane logic that is:

    we will ban vanilla pie ray because it can be used to xray, despite having a legitimate use of checking for lag
    we will allow litematica because it has a legitimate use for builds, despite it also having a glorified xray function

    Or the fact that the server has been advertised as allowing raiding and griefing for over a decade at this point, yet spawn city is arbitrary chosen as "too close to 0,0" and griefing it will get you banned despite it being completely unprotected.

    You know this. You are intentionally derailing the thread from the original topic of us grieving that the staff have, for years, refused to listen to anything the old players have to say.

  17. @j____a____r____d You explaining why a ban in Discord happened is completely irrelevant to the fact that long time players and even recent players like Casey Fluffbat were challenging the absolutely insane logic that is:

    we will ban vanilla pie ray because it can be used to xray, despite having a legitimate use of checking for lag
    we will allow litematica because it has a legitimate use for builds, despite it also having a glorified xray function

    Or the fact that the server has been advertised as allowing raiding and griefing for over a decade at this point, yet spawn city is arbitrary chosen as "too close to 0,0" and griefing it will get you banned despite it being completely unprotected.

    You know this. You are intentionally derailing the thread from the original topic of us grieving that the staff have, for years, refused to listen to anything the old players have to say.

    I think its kinda hard to listen to old players when they don't even play on the server is all I'm saying. Like why should people who haven't joined the server in years think they are knowledgeable enough to know what the server needs when they have yet to join the server? To me that doesn't make sense. You would want to hear from the current playerbase to see what could be made better.. I guess yall can't see that.

  18. @ThePhoenix I think its kinda hard to listen to old players when they don't even play on the server is all I'm saying. Like why should people who haven't joined the server in years think they are knowledgeable enough to know what the server needs when they have yet to join the server? To me that doesn't make sense. You would want to hear from the current playerbase to see what could be made better.. I guess yall can't see that.

    I know, it's crazy right that the old players don't play anymore, they shouldn't get a say at all in the current community. Now please apply your reasoning back to 2018 and 2019 when the old players actually were active all the time, and we were complaining about shit like ocean generation crashing the server every single minute, villagers constantly disappearing due to lag, or constant lag when the server goes above 10 players.

    Can you understand why we don't play anymore now, or do I need to break it down?

  19. @j____a____r____d I know, it's crazy right that the old players don't play anymore, they shouldn't get a say at all in the current community. Now please apply your reasoning back to 2018 and 2019 when the old players actually were active all the time, and we were complaining about shit like ocean generation crashing the server every single minute, villagers constantly disappearing due to lag, or constant lag when the server goes above 10 players.

    Can you understand why we don't play anymore now, or do I need to break it down?

    I understand that because I played back then too. But that wasnt something they could control. You can't help Mojangs shit game code. But to add to what Ive already said. Minecraft constantly is changing, and well frankly I guess is TRYING to get better despite all their fuckups, but the entirety of the point is because its changing some of yall havent even come on to see the changes. all of those problems are problems anymore. Lag is still and issue but thats vanilla for you. Nothing can be done except installing spigot or some other QOL mod and thats Craftys decision. I talked to him the otehr day about it and he said hes been hard thinking about it. Its not fallen on deaf ears but yeah..

  20. @j____a____r____d You explaining why a ban in Discord happened is completely irrelevant to the fact that long time players and even recent players like Casey Fluffbat were challenging the absolutely insane logic that is:

    we will ban vanilla pie ray because it can be used to xray, despite having a legitimate use of checking for lag
    we will allow litematica because it has a legitimate use for builds, despite it also having a glorified xray function

    I love this server, more than any I've previously come across. I try to stay within the lines of what is acceptable on a server, and not make a big fuss of things because I just don't have the physical and mental energy to keep that up. At some point though I have to speak my mind.

    Since I'm a basehunter and have been doing it solo for many years in different places, it's no question I'd pick up on using the pie chart. Any edge while staying within the confines of game is going to be used, it's inevitable. But since being involved in the discussion I feel like despite being very open about how I do things and having a deep understanding of what it takes to basehunt, I've not been seen as a critical asset to making a decision and more of a tree to pick cherries from. While I don't like to take things too seriously, I think it's beneficial I start speaking up more.

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