1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Tower update:


    this is the inside, it was so big i put in a glass floor and made it 2 levels. got to playing with the colors, i think it turned out quite well but now i dont want to fill it up with the library i had planned lol.


    Does anyone else think its to much purple? Could just be me cause i been looking at it so long...

  3. A fire in the tower may look good

  4. @GibsonAxe A fire in the tower may look good


  5. Awesome tower. I like the purple.
    Another question on mining out vast areas. What technique do you use? I started off just hacking everything in range of my pick but soon discovered if I made 2 high x 1 wide corridors the length of the area I wanted to clear, then stood at one end looking up, mined the 6 blocks vertically above me and walked forward doing that to the other end of the corridor I would be more efficient. Effectively cutting out 8 block high strips. Once a "floor" was clear I went up above (effectively to stand on the 9th block, the one that the pick would not reach) and repeat. Finally I would come top down removing all the floors. How did you guys do it?

  6. Tnt works great

  7. Being so close to bedrock like it is TNT would destroy all the ore including diamonds so its not a viable option in our case

  8. I will say: That must've been a pain to dig out lol

  9. @Shapedsundew9 Another question on mining out vast areas. What technique do you use? I started off just hacking everything in range of my pick but soon discovered if I made 2 high x 1 wide corridors the length of the area I wanted to clear, then stood at one end looking up, mined the 6 blocks vertically above me and walked forward doing that to the other end of the corridor I would be more efficient. Effectively cutting out 8 block high strips. Once a "floor" was clear I went up above (effectively to stand on the 9th block, the one that the pick would not reach) and repeat. Finally I would come top down removing all the floors. How did you guys do it?

    We do it this way too except that we would cut the bottom two blocks out as far as we can reach. Digging strait up is never recommended but in lag you have plenty of time to place a block or run before the lava or gravel can get to you. You can see the cavern floors we keep pushing back in the picture. We dont know how big we will make it, at the moment we are going from one ravine to another.

  10. @Shapedsundew9 i cut a vary large two block high area fixing any holes in the floor, lava bad, falling bad. after that i look up and run like crazy... Zabolca follows picking up blocks. We burn through allot of Diamond picks Efficiency 5, fortune 2, unbreaking 3, mending. We have around 5 picks now that we cycle through. it takes time but just get a comfy chair, snacks, drinks, and work an 8 hours shift come home and DIG!

  11. Thx for the tips. Definately feeling you Krum. I get an 30-60 min a day. Using 3 picks. I have no helpers so I am trading about 4800 carrots and potatos with a few pumpkins and wheat thrown in for variety to get the xp. It grows in about the time it takes to use up thier endurance. have a ton of emeralds :-)

  12. @Shapedsundew9 Thx for the tips. Definately feeling you Krum. I get an 30-60 min a day. Using 3 picks. I have no helpers so I am trading about 4800 carrots and potatos with a few pumpkins and wheat thrown in for variety to get the xp. It grows in about the time it takes to use up thier endurance. have a ton of emeralds :-)

    There are faster and easier ways to repair the pick axes than xp from villagers but Good Job on the emeralds.

  13. Trading with the villagers is pretty quick + the emeralds. I could imagine a good mob farm might be quicker but the drops aren't much use...what did you guys do?
    FYI posted my excavations in my base thread

  14. 7 years ago

    I got a little side tracked from the towers and started working on my new Rabbit farm:


    I can put water in above them and auto kill them but they dont drop feet that way.

  15. A rabbit farm, all the levitation potions. Did you copy a design or make one if you don't mind me asking?

  16. Edited 7 years ago by Zabolca

    I couldn't find a rabbit farm on YouTube that would work for what I had, if there is one out there like this I didn't see it. The water pushes them on the slabs and the slab behind keeps them from coming back out. I found out the hard way that they are only half a block tall but the trap doors keep them in and allows you to harvest quite well with a looting 3 sword. It fills up with 40 or 50 rabbits quite fast.

  17. Got a little bit more work done on the pit, got an auto tree farm up, starting a barn, and trying to get away form torches.



  18. Amazing! Respect!
    How many people involved in this build?

  19. almost 2 people

  20. an end crystal at the entrance wouldnt be too bad

  21. I had never thought of using them as a decoration before, I will have to think about that one.

  22. Newer ›

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